Madam Pang is conducting lottery tickets for the Thai League to solve the scandal and has “orders” for various teams.

“Madame Pang” Nuanphan Lamsam, the would-be Prime Minister of the Thai Football Association, is experimenting with the Thai League lottery to resolve the scandal and has “orders” in favor of various teams.

February 20, 2024 “Madame Pang” Nuanphan Lamsam, President of the Thai Football Association, revealed his willingness to try all methods for the sake of transparency in arranging a team of referees to perform duties in each field. According to the directions of the meeting with Police Lieutenant General Samran Nwanama, Chairman of the Judges Committee. By requesting that the urgent problem be solved through an open and transparent lottery. To make the club and football fans were informed at the same time

The system of selecting and appointing referees to perform duties in various matches. The system of selection and assignment was used in the past with only a small number of officials. There are certain conditions, such that referees residing in the county where the competition is being held will not be able to referee that match. Or a committee member who has been complained of by any club will not be assigned to work in pairs in which that club competes which, although reasonable but causes a lot of discretion by the organisers. He is often criticized for being complicit or having “orders” in assigning referees to act in different matches for different teams.

Therefore, the random distribution of judges should be a transparent method. It can further illustrate the use of discretion of the organizer that may choose favoritism and hatred The Thai League 1 lottery will start on February 21. Which will be broadcast live on the Thai League fan page

In addition, the important issue said by the Chairman of the Referee Committee and the President of the Association agree that what needs to be done in parallel is to develop the potential of Thai referees to be better. Building confidence among the club and the public, including increasing the number of referees at various levels. To have a choice in performing duties and this is something that must be done together. Which must be considered in structure including training, compensation and various benefits. It requires continuous and long-term work. There will also be clearer penalties for referees.

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