Mars has an underground “ocean”, which raises hopes that humans will move there.

A new NASA study suggests that Mars has an underground ocean of water. This raises the question of whether we could ever move to Mars. I'm back to talk about it again.

  • According to a study conducted by NASA, there may be sources of groundwater 11.5-20 kilometers below the surface of Mars, hidden in cracks in underground rocks. The amount of water available may be enough to become “circumferenceHe can
  • Scientists believe there was water on Mars 3 billion years ago, but solar winds destroyed the Martian atmosphere. It eventually became a dry, cold star.
  • Currently, there are several agencies committed to developing projects to colonize Mars. So far, humans have never set foot on the surface of Mars.

According to NASA studies, the results of this research were published in the report of the meeting of the US National Academy of Sciences (People) indicates the possibility of groundwater sources below the surface.Mars It is estimated to be located 11.5-20 kilometers below the surface of Mars, hidden in cracks in underground rocks. The amount of water available may be enough to become “circumferenceHe can

The research results are based on seismic measurements taken by the InSight spacecraft.visionNASA's Mars rover will use seismometers to detect structures inside Mars between 2018 and 2022.

Scientists believe there was water on Mars 3 billion years ago. At that time, Mars had rivers, lakes and oceans, but the surface of Mars lost that water as its atmosphere dwindled. New research suggests that water has already seeped into the Martian crust.

Alistair Gunn A radio astronomer from the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester revealed this to the BBC. Mars originally had a strong magnetic field like Earth.

The movement of molten iron in the Earth's interior creates an electric field that protects it from cosmic rays and solar wind. This refers to electrically charged particles streaming from the Sun. But after the Mars' inner core cooled, this magnetic field was turned off. The solar winds destroyed Mars' atmosphere and eventually made it a dry, cold star.

Can humans live on Mars?

Important elements that allow humans to live on Mars, and this means that there must be water and “Oxygen“At the moment, NASA can now produce oxygen on planets using a device called MOXIE mounted on the Surveyor robot.perseverance“(Perseverance Rover) It can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen for breathing for a total of up to 100 minutes.

But with just this amount, it is still far from realistic that humans will be able to live on Mars. Even if it were the case, there are currently several entities developing projects to colonize Mars.

Space Exploration Company SpaceX ForElon MuskHe is still determined to establish a colony on Mars. The company has created a blueprint for a city on Mars, including domed habitats and spacesuits that have been in the works for a long time. Now they are building a spacecraft that could carry 200 people to Mars in six months.

While the UAE's space program aims to establish a human settlement on Mars by 2117, we may see humans move to Mars in the next few decades. But not everyone will probably move to a new planet. Because the costs are too high.

Another important question is: Should humans live on Mars?

Should humans live on Mars?

Some thinkers wonder whether it is appropriate or not. That humans will move to settle on Mars, which is called “alternate planetAfter causing damage to the environment on Earth.

Ian Stoner, who teaches philosophy at St. Paul's College in Minnesota, said that trying to colonize Mars could cause enormous damage to Mars. Because bringing microorganisms to Earth to live on Mars, it could be an invasion of native life. To the point that they are unable to compete and may become extinct the native life forms of Mars that we have never known before.

“Even though there is no life on Mars, I consider it disrespectful to Mars. It is seen as just a useful resource for humans. Stoner said.

A 2023 Pew Research Center survey of 10,329 American adults about NASA’s top mission priorities found that 60% of respondents wanted NASA to track asteroids that might hit Earth. Another 50% said they wanted NASA to track asteroids that might hit Earth. Important parts of Earth’s climate system should be studied, and only 11% considered exploring Mars a top priority.

Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University, criticized the idea of ​​colonizing Mars on Earth. She commented that we must find a way to stop the problem of change.climateMore on the ground

“If we don’t take action to reduce and eliminate carbon emissions, eventually our planet will collapse before we get to Mars.
He said, “Here he is.”

Although we have new information about the presence of water and oxygen on the red planet, and I have dreamed far away that we could go there, but in reality, human feet have not set foot on the surface of Mars yet. And we do not know how long humans will be able to survive on the planet we intend to make our second home.

source: The Island, space, Xinhua

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