MPC shares maintain interest rates!!

Thai stocks are stable despite support from DELTA shares, but political factors in the country remain bleak after the Constitutional Court set a new meeting next week. Causing the index's recovery to be limited while investors monitor the results of the Federal Reserve meeting

Stocks with the highest trading value AOT closed at 59.50 baht, plus 0.75 baht, DELTA closed at 78 baht, plus 3.25 baht, PTTEP closed at 154 baht, plus 4 baht, CPALL closed at 56.75 baht, plus 0.25 baht, and HANA closed at 45.75 baht plus 2.75 baht.

Meeting result: The Monetary Policy Committee voted 6:1 to keep interest rates at 2.50% as expected. TISCO Securities noted that the vote to hold interest rates was up from the previous meeting by 5:2, reinforcing TISCO's view that this is not expected. . The Monetary Policy Committee will cut interest rates this year. Of Thai inflation which started to return to positivity in May and is likely to rise gradually. In the second half of the year, the general outlook for Finance Group shares increased slightly. But it is good for bank stocks, such as BBL, SCB and TTB.

While Asia Plus Securities recommends investment strategies grouping stocks with good fundamentals based on the economy that is gradually recovering KBANK, BBL, BJC, CPALL, CPAXT, HMPRO, CRC, JMART, ADVANC, AOT, ERW, STEC, CK

As for the matter, the Constitutional Court ordered the consideration of 3 cases, and rescheduled the session to next June 18, and in the case of dissolving the Progressive Party, the court ordered the Elections Commission to submit a list of evidence by next June 17, and to the Prime Minister. In Minister Sita's case, the court ordered 40 senators and the prime minister to submit a list of evidence by June 17, and in the Senate elections case, the court found that there was sufficient evidence. The diagnosis date is June 18.

TISCO considers that in each case it depends on the evidence presented by the court there is sufficient to make a diagnosis or a date will be scheduled for further investigation. It is considered that political issues are still awaiting clarity next week.

We recommend investing in export stocks and stocks that are supported by demand from abroad and there is an opportunity to move better than the market in the short term. We recommend HANA, SVI, AAI, SAPPE, BDMS, BH and AMATA stocks. CSP!!

Index 51

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