My friend went out to eat, took 4 pictures and sent them to me to see, but the girl caught her cheating on him. How did you know?

My friend goes out to eat with his family. He took 4 pictures and sent them to me, there is nothing unusual in the pictures. But the girl caught him cheating on him. Netizens were amazed by the woman's detective skills.

Nextapple reports the story of a man from Henan Province, China. Who claimed to have gone out to dinner with his family in Luoyang and sent four photos to his girlfriend via WeChat to confirm his whereabouts. But it turns out that his girlfriend caught him cheating. Making netizens wonder how she knew?

News reports indicate that the friend claims that he and his family were eating at a Chinese restaurant that day. He immediately sent 4 pictures to his girlfriend: a picture of the restaurant from the outside, the inside of the restaurant, and two dishes.

But his girlfriend discovered that the four “aspect ratios” have different sizes. It turned out that her boyfriend took one photo using his iPhone camera while the other three photos were taken via WeChat.

“It is impossible to send three photos taken on WeChat at the same time, and they must be sent one after the other. So I think he should have sent the pass to someone else. Bring it and give it to me right away,” the young woman said.

The young woman asked her friend. Initially, he denied that he had sent the photos to anyone first. But take pictures and save them in the device. Then press send to her.

But the young woman managed to grab the lamp again. Because she knows that photos taken via WeChat cannot be saved unless you post or send them to anyone. Then her boyfriend changed his excuse and said: Send it to the group at work.

The young woman felt even more abnormal. Because I thought it was very strange that he would send his personal photos to the group at work. So I asked to see the group's chat screen. But the friend refused. He claimed that he had already deleted the chat history in the group

The young woman said she was trying very calmly at the time. The situation was tense for several hours. Her boyfriend finally admitted to lying. But he refused to reveal who he had sent the photos to before that. It made the girl feel very sad. She regretted that they had known each other for more than 10 years, and she did not think that her boyfriend would lie to her. She intends to break up with him

“A woman's intuition is always wrong,” said the young woman. “If there is something wrong.”

The girl's detective skills shocked netizens. Because even though she had no conclusive proof that her boyfriend was unfaithful, everyone believed her. She considered that her boyfriend's behavior was really abnormal

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