NER has received 5 star CGR rating “Excellent” for 3 consecutive years

NORTH EAST RUBBER PUBLIC COMPANY LTD Or NER The Association has received a 2023 Corporate Governance Assessment Score, the Corporate Governance Report 2023 (CGR) of Thai Listed Companies, 2023 of 5 stars or “Excellent” from the Thai Institute of Directors for the third year in a row. (IOD) backed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (Thai Securities Exchange Commission)

page Mr. Suwit Jangtanasomboon Chief Executive Officer NER It is a company that manufactures and sells rubber smoked sheets, rubber blocks and compound rubber. And groups of intermediaries inside and outside the country revealed that the company received a 5-star CG rating which reflects the company’s business operations. Under the view “It is a rubber manufacturer. World-class quality, honest, fair use of clean energy for trading partners Develop socially friendly and environmental business as downstream industries Commitment of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee to create good governance for the economy, society and environment (ESG) and to continuously raise the level of good corporate governance (good corporate governance).

It takes into account the role of stakeholders. Building trust among investors and stakeholders. Be confident in the organization’s transparent, ethical and verifiable operations and information disclosure with operational results that are likely to sustain growth.

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