Ning Panetta is relieved that her ex-husband, Jin, was the one to talk about the breakup. I repeat, I have never wanted for anything. The man suggested it himself!

after that “Gin Jarin Thammamawatana” Ning Panetta’s ex-husband appeared on her close brother’s show. “Bek Sanchai” Revealing the story of family problems, he said he felt guilty. After a breakup, there should be no one else. It also made Ning suffer. After that, Ning immediately came out and posted a long message on social media. Recently, Ning Panetta opened the Kuisab Show on Channel One31 with PK Piyawat as the host of the program.

Ning Panetta is relieved that her ex-husband, Jin, was the one to talk about the breakup. The agreement was proposed by the man.

At first I thought it turned out beautifully. But yesterday or the day before Ning posted, what happened?
Ning: According to Ning’s post, it’s quite clear that the past story has ended. Everyone understood the way we had prepared it and that it would end. It should not be brought up again. Or are there interviews about these matters even though we ourselves are in front of the media, working every day, and many programs need content from us? You want to be interviewed about many unclear matters. Or even our own programs have clients coming in to buy sponsors. I want Brother Ning to discuss this issue. Everyone helped each other, and when it was over, we wouldn’t talk about anything. Because it’s over and that was also something that Jane herself said that we would never talk about separation or divorce. Let everyone understand that we have problems like this. But we are together

Ning never said the word divorce?
Ning: She never said the word divorce. He never said breakup who wouldn’t say that word because it was a request from Mr. Jin himself who didn’t want his family to know. The most important thing is to gradually maintain your child’s feelings.

Jin is your younger brother, Baek is your older brother?
Ning: Actually, this tape is the latest in Conlapik’s program, this tape is the first tape, he even called Ning. But Ning didn’t have a waiting list to go. Then he came to call Jin’s name. Jin himself told Ning that he would film Bebek’s program. Ning also knew that she had to go film a show. But listening to many of the interviews on the program, from Ning’s perspective, Ning felt conflicted.

Let’s say you can go back and edit the script. What do you want the world to know?
Ning: As Ning wrote, everything was quite clear.

Thanks for the clip from Talk Zaap Show.

Jin is also an older brother. If Jin is watching, then raise the child like Ning asked?
Ning: As Ning said. When it’s not over, it should be said like this, but today it has been talked about in so many stories, everyone will think what the deal is. Now, she used a word with Ning that was as Ning requested. Ning would like to answer this question: Ning has never asked, never asked for anything, wouldn’t it be better to use the word “He has no right to ask and demand?” Because if Ning orders it should be like this: And if he can’t do it? This was also what Ning demanded. But Ning never asked for that.

So what do you want for your child?
Ning: It was all in the agreement that Jin proposed.

What will the future be like?
Ning: I don’t know, the only thing I know is that all Ning does today is work hard, stay calm, and be vigilant every day, and it may not be so good every day. Some days there may be some drops. Because there are so many things to focus on around us. There are many tasks involved in raising a child who is currently a teenager. Then facing such problems was very difficult, and it was very new for Ning. Ning tries to do her best every day. But I don’t know if anyone likes this or not. But to do my best for one child, that’s all I thought about today. The other thing Ning wanted to tell everyone was that Ning would never run away from anyone again. Everyone in Khitsap knows that one year ago, when there was a problem or something happened. Ning suddenly called and said that she didn’t want to go to work. I would like to take time off work. I will not accept this event. I will avoid it. I met a reporter. Brothers and sisters, today is not an appropriate day for me to give an interview. I have to rush to pick up my baby. Then he fled. Do you understand the word “escaping from journalists”? Sometimes it’s on the list. We had to slide down the fire escape stairs. Because there were reporters waiting downstairs today, Ning would never run away from anyone again. Ning would go out and do what Ning had to do. This Sunday, Ning has an event. If it were normal, Ning would have run away. But Ning wouldn’t run away. I was relieved that Gene came out and spoke. Ning wouldn’t have to keep her in his heart. When someone asks me anything, I can’t answer it. P’PK still didn’t know anything about it. And no one on the show knew anything about that.

Ning is a mother who loves her children very much. On the father’s side, he loves his child very much. But he still can’t find a compromise for his child?
Ning: As for Ning, Ning found it. On the other hand, Ning was unable to pay.

People say that you should do your best for your child?
Ning: Yes, that’s all Ning wants.

Follow and watch the Zap talk show every Monday and Friday at 13.15 – 14.15 on Channel No. 31. Facebook page: Khoi Zap Show. Watch past episodes on the YouTube channel: Orange Mama.

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