Opening the head is not beautiful! Buriram lost 1-2 to Hanoi in the ASEAN Club Battle.

Asian Club Championship “SHOPEE CUP 2024/25” 1st match results between Kong An Hanoi and Buriram United on Thursday 22 August 2024 at Hung Day Stadium.

With Hanoi FC 1-0 up just 3 minutes into the game, a ball in front of the penalty area flew into the hands of Sivarak Thesungnoyan and into the goal to pull the trigger.

In the 17th minute, Sasalak Hypergon received the ball on the right side of the line before sending the ball into the penalty area, he ran and pressed with his right foot to save the ball.

In the 43rd minute Guillerm Pizzoli intercepted the ball in the center circle. Before looking up, the local goalkeeper, Nguyen Philippe, saw him going out of the 6-yard box, so he decided to shoot wide and the ball bounced right into the frame, but Nguyen Philippe backed away. Buriram trailed 0-1 at the end of the first half after receiving the ball in the area.

Returning to play in the second half in the 49th minute, Sasalak Hypergon received the ball before pulling off a swinging move to deceive the local player on the right. He drove the ball to the end of the long back line and headed it into the goal to level the score at 1-all before Subachai Jayde was sent off. 1.

Vitor Rosa received the ball on the right side of the penalty area in the 66th minute. Alexandre Sebastiano headed towards the middle of the goal before touching the ball out and firing into the 6-yard box to give Buriram United a 2-1 lead.

Then, at the end of the game, Buriram United lost 1-2 to Cong An Hanoi FC, as a result, Thunder Castle took their first place without any points.

List of players of both teams
Hanoi FC: Nguyen Philip, Hugo Gomes, Viet Bui Hoang, Jason Pendent, Giap Tuan Duong, Vu Van Thanh, Lee Pan Thien Long, Nguyen Quong Hi, Pan Van Duc, Vitor Rosa, Alexandre Sebastiano
Buriram United: Shivarak Desung, Curtis Good, Panza Hemvipoon, Marcelo Yalo, Jefferson Tabinas, Sasalak Hybrakon, Rattanakorn Mikami, Bithiwat Sukjithammakul, Mathias Vargas, Subachai Zaidet, Guillerme Bisoli

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