Opening up a 30-year-old gaming archive, Rockman, 5 games that a lot of people still remember.

Monday, July 22, 2024 at 4:34 PM and 13 seconds IST

I think a lot of people come to read this article about the opening of the old dungeon game. It may seem like the days go by quickly because when we see the anniversary of different games, whether this game is 20 years old or 30 years old today, it is a recent memory for people who play games like Rockman 5, which was first released on the Famicom in 1994, or 30 years ago, when we asked the players of the generation of uncles and aunts now, everyone would say the same thing: Rockman 5 is one of the most enjoyable parts of the series, including the different scenes, gameplay and controls. Even the weapons that the boss will fight with are used, and which of them stays in our memory more than just remembering our phone number. On July 22, 2024, the 30th anniversary of Rockman 5, let's look back and see today's story The game goes together.

Let's start with the story of Rockman 5. The story of this game takes place in the 21st century, about two months after the events of Rockman 4. Rockman, the blue hero, saves the world from the mad scientist Dr. Wily to take over the world but fails. The days of peace suddenly passed, one day, suddenly, Blues, Rockman's ally who was helping him in the battle. He brought an army of robots to destroy the city and cause chaos. Ready to announce that he will take over the world. In addition to kidnapping Dr. Light, Rockman and his friends must find out why the good Blues have changed. And protect this world

As for the gameplay, there probably isn't much explanation. Because everyone should already know that this game is a game where you advance and eliminate enemies and meet the boss at the end of the level. We must choose a boss before entering the game. When we defeat the boss, we will gain new powers. To fight another boss who keeps losing in this way, the selling point of the Rockman series is the perfect difficulty. In this part, the difficulty will be reduced from the previous game to make it more accessible to children. With many hidden secrets waiting for players to find them. And in this part we will have a new assistant who is from outside named Beat as another assistant. Which was very fun and enjoyable for fans of that era

Rockman 5 is led by Mr. Kenji Inafune, who is known as Rockman's father. But he said that he wasn't the one who was born. But only people have participated since the first part. (The creator resigned when Rockman 2 was completed) which is something that not many people knew before. In the past, when Capcom was making a new Rockman game, Capcom would hold a competition for Japanese kids to design all 8 main characters, and the team would choose 8 characters and include credits at the end of the game as rewards. I started participating in this fun since Rockman 2. And in Rockman 8, this will be the first and only time that people from all over the world will be able to compete. (There were also two Thai people who made it to the next round.) Since the ninth part, there has been nothing like this.

For Rockman 5, Capcom teamed up with Nintendo Power magazine to advertise for kids to draw pictures and submit them for a contest. More than 130,000 entries were submitted. (The staff at the time were probably watching with their eyes wide open.) “It was a tough time choosing a master to use in the actual game,” Mr. Inafune said, because the illustrations that were submitted had to be modified to fit the game. With its success, Rockman 5 became the 84th best-selling Famicom game at the time.

Anyone interested in finding a Rockman 5 Famicom game cartridge to collect should keep the price in mind, as even a used copy with just the cartridge can cost close to a thousand baht. For a piece with a box and full manual, the price can go up to 2,000 or more depending on condition. That doesn’t even include the special collections that Capcom continues to sell for the new Rockman series, which are pretty pricey (especially for a PlayStation 1 that actually went to the moon). As for anyone who wants to play old Rockman games, Capcom has them on sale all the time on PlayStation 4-5, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Anyone who has one, go get one and take a look. The game itself is a lot of fun. And then you’ll know that no matter how many times you play the old games, they’re still fun.

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