Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong, and Im Ji Yeon reveal their opinions on the death penalty through The Killing Vote. They voted for the death penalty. If we could decide justice for ourselves

Park Hae Jin Park Sung Woong and Im Ji Yeon reveal their opinions on the death penalty Voting to kill votes for the death penalty If we could decide justice for ourselves

What if anonymous figures like Dog Mask send the message that people over the age of 18 can get the death penalty by voting. If the result is more than 50%, Dog Mask will take care of them immediately.

Voting to kill votes for the death penalty The Prime Videos series explores the meaning of justice and features voices from around the country on the death penalty. To fight evil criminals, the excitement increases with the police chase, which wants to arrest the mysterious character who carried out the death penalty based on the results of voting through the characters. Kim Mu Chan (played before Park Hae Jin) The police team leader who is promoted to team leader is the fastest. Kwon Seokjo (played before Park Sung Woong) Who is currently serving a prison sentence after surrendering in the murder case of the perpetrator who sexually assaulted his young daughter 8 His year and Joohyun (played before Im Ji-yeon) A police officer who was once the best cyber investigator. We’ll talk to the three actors and their opinions on justice in this interview.

in Killer vote A mysterious person has been sentenced to death based on the results of people’s votes across the country. If you don’t think about the role and moral ideas of the character you are playing. What is your position on this situation??

Park Hae Jin: I think there are many things in this world that cannot be solved by law. I cannot say that the death penalty is correct. But there are some angles that make sense.

Park Sung Woong: Actually there are worse stories. “Vote on the death penalty”Killer vote) It seems that some recurring social problems make many people, myself included, feel tired and have a hard time. In that recurring situation I think the advent of “voting for the death penalty” might be a way to help stop some bad things.

MJ Yoon: I have a lot of concerns. I can understand the situation that happened in the series. Because there are many things that we cannot solve by law and there may be unfair situations. But in one corner it is impossible for everything to be done in a completely clear and straightforward way. So it’s a very worrying situation in many ways.

There seem to be many similar Korean dramas that delve into themes of justice and revenge. What do you think is the highlight of this series?? What is magic Killer vote?

Park Hae Jin: I think what’s important is how you talk about the same thing in a different way. Our series features a storytelling style that takes viewers on a journey to discover good characters. Bad characters and finally who is “Dog Mask” (dog mask) The person many people expect might be “dog mask Or it might be someone that a lot of people didn’t quite expect.”dog mask You can too, and I want the audience to follow it carefully. Don’t let it slip away from you all.

Park Sung-woong: I think the national vote on the death penalty was an interesting point in the series. Imposing punishment by popular vote I think the concept is both new and interesting.

Im Ji-yeon: ““killer vote” He talked about the national vote on the death penalty. Which is difficult to see in the real world. You will feel the release of strong emotions. New excitement from unexpected stories will awaken your five senses as the series asks us about true justice.

Do you think that if you live in a world? Killer vote Really, how would you be most likely to vote, and why, if you were a serial voter? What are your criteria for judging??

Park Hae Jin: I don’t think I can vote now. I think I will punish those who deserve it. But I don’t think I have enough confidence to deal with the repercussions of that vote. But if this happened in real life I might change my mind.

Park Sung-woong: I think I will vote if I have enough knowledge about this issue to hold a national vote. I think that’s the criteria I will make in my decision to vote or not. It should depend on whether or not I understand what happened in this case.

Lim Jeon: I don’t think it’s easy to choose (laughs), I think I’ll make my decision after closely studying the votes and goals. I should know exactly what this vote is. What happened to the victims?

Have you watched or liked the webtoon this series comes from?? How do you feel after reading this?? What do the webtoon version and the series have in common??

Park Hae Jin: I read the original webtoon. There are some parts of the webtoon that are similar and some parts that are different from the series. The original story from the webtoon allows us to use it as the main story. But I think we have to try not to stay stuck in the same old box. I thought it would be fun to compare the stories in the webtoon to the series.

Park Sung Woong: I usually don’t watch originals. Because I was afraid that my performance would be too similar to the original character. Most often, I use the method of creating new characters myself.

Im Ji Yeon: I read the webtoon. It is a very interesting story to follow. Webtoons and series have similarities and differences. I think it would be interesting to know where they are.

The ruling system used in the series appears to be a democratic system that respects the majority. Do you think this kind of system is really fair?? What do you think of the voting system in Killer vote?

Park Hae-jin: It’s a system that allows all citizens to participate as accomplices in murder under the guise of democracy that respects the majority. Right now, I don’t think you’d call it that, it’s a really fair system.

Park Sung-woong: I think it’s a system that can relieve people’s frustrations. Because there are many social problems that occur constantly. But there are a few ways in which citizens can directly participate in solving problems themselves. It is difficult to say that this is the right way. But I think it’s a good system in terms of results.

MJ Yoon: I think it’s fair to respect the majority. But although the decision depends on a majority vote, there is the possibility that other injustices may occur. It could go up as well. So we have to make very careful and thoughtful decisions.

What is the topic of this series?? Are there points you would like to convey to viewers of the series??

Park Hae Jin: I think what the series wants to convey is, “Is your justice really right??

Park Sung Woong: What kind of justice is appropriate?? It is rare for justice to depend on the actions of one person. I believe that movements for justice can only happen in the world if there is greater interest and participation from people. I hope the audience watches it.”“killer vote” Pay close attention to the steps that lead to justice.

MJ Yoon: I think it’s a series that makes you think about the essence of justice. It would be good if after watching the series”“killer vote” Then the audience will try to think about what true justice is.

What is the reason for watching this series?

Park Hae Jin:“killer vote” It’s an interesting series from the theme, script, actors to the serious direction. I think it’s a good series and worth recommending.

Park Sung Woong: I think it’s a series that will give viewers a new feeling. It’s a series that makes things happen. What many people have envisioned will come true, I believe.”“killer vote” It will create strong enjoyment for the audience. With a story that exceeds expectations

Im Ji-yeon: ““killer vote” He talked about the national vote on the death penalty. Which is difficult to see in the real world. You will feel the release of strong emotions. New excitement from unexpected stories will awaken your five senses as the series asks us about true justice.

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