Piyaputyam Pita 'Go' M.112

Piyaputyam Pita 'Go' M.112

Mother Post 0 “Biyaputr” slams “Pita” for dragging out Article 112 without amending the plan to take the party forward in 2024. Ahead of the verdict in the Section 112 case on the 31st, he seems to be sending a “Kurugu” signal to the opposing side who is waiting to retaliate. Further counsel, to reply to Dom Som, say that it is not possible to amend Article 112 as the Constitutional Court has prohibited it. Please don't go on a tour. Releasing an edited clip as the page moves to overturn the Constitutional Court is not the same as subverting it.

On January 27, 2024, Mr. There was a wide reaction during Pitha Limjaronrat. Party-list MPs from the Move Forward party are returning to the House of Representatives. After the Constitutional Court ruled on the ITV shareholder case and announced the party's plans to move forward in 2024, specifically the issue of amending Article 112.

Mr. Biyaputr Sayanganokul, General Secretary of the Munnetra Party, posted on Facebook about the amendment to 112, stating that I am involved in forming the Future Perspective Party. Through political experience, I confirm that politics must connect our ideals with political reality. There are advances and retreats according to the assessment of the situation.

I myself have stepped back many times for the good of the organization in order to move forward with the situation. Evaluate this matter. Nothing is tied together. Nothing is wrong.

Therefore, there may be those who criticize the speed of political parties and therefore agree. There are people who have different opinions. Party workers will not accept criticism. This is normal.

I do not agree with the party's manifesto going forward in 2024. I understand that party workers wanted to publish this statement. To welcome the Father back but when I looked at all the contents, I saw… mistakes, especially the plan to propose 47 draft bills without draft 112 amendments.

The party would not have thought of talking about this matter. But the media thinks and the media asked Gee to expand on the results saying that 47 issues in 2024 were short, 112 had no revisions, right? What are the consequences of this case?

1. Reiterate the idea that we must accept the power of the Constitutional Court to rise above the legislative branch. Should you listen to the Constitutional Court proposing a law?

2. No giving and no saying no. Because waiting for the Constitutional Court is like sending a “crouch” signal before deciding on the 31st.

3. If the party moves forward and thinks smartly and tactically, there is no need to make a statement today. Please be patient and wait for the Constitutional Court to decide on January 31 first if the Constitutional Court finds a “bottom line” for the party to move forward. By setting up a framework for solving 112

Next, the Kaew Khlai Party can answer voters that Article 112 cannot be amended because the Constitutional Court's ruling says. I'm not so naive as to think that to solve 112, I have to do this alone. without doing anything else

I'm familiar with the attack/wait/retreat process, but I see moves all this week leading up to January 31, when the court will decide, without thinking about pre-judging, retreating and managing the expectations of the selectors. . But it focuses more on the direction of “Khurumbu” thinking that it will help protect the party. And this is when he is waiting for “revenge” for being accused of dishonesty towards the opposite party. I have already predicted what the Constitutional Court will decide.

I can only hope that all progressive party leaders will fully evaluate all matters. To the point where everything has to be exchanged without the intention of saving the party and the party committee.

If the Constitutional Court decides I expect you will hear some criticism from progressives. The Progressive Party means never criticizing the Constitutional Court. I will certainly be the first to criticize the Cao Klai Party, and I will criticize the judgment of the Constitutional Court. I practiced according to the natural course of the educational process.

P.S.: For now, block the supporters of Kav Klai Party. Why didn't I go to them first to scold them? We don't talk internally, I don't know what they are doing, I am an outsider, I only know from reading the news, with the general public who saw it. media.

Meanwhile, Facebook released a video clip reiterating its position that reform does not equal overthrow with the message that reform should not equal overthrow. But that is the duty of a parliamentary democracy.

The Progressive Party wants to ensure that Article 112 of the Penal Code is amended to establish the monarchy in a democratic society. By striking a balance between protecting the head of state and protecting the freedom of expression of the people

Don't use harsh laws and heavy fines because it puts the monarchy in the highest position. But maintaining the king's status is based on reason, wisdom and the consent of the people.

Mr. Virat Lakanadisorn, a Progressive Party List MP, released a message giving his legal perspective. I never worried after the outcome of the petition filed by the Gao branch party in the campaign to amend Article 112 regarding dissolution of the party. You can even say that you have shouldered it with both hands. Because in my heart the word party has become an ideology. It cannot collapse, but it will continue.”

Mr. Mr. Thanakorn Wangpoonkongsana, Member of the House of Representatives based on party list and Vice President of Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTA). The father's case was cited by a list of Limsaroenrut MPs and the leader of the Forward Party, which says the perpetrators of offenses under Section 112 of the Penal Code, most of them youths. It is considered a political movement. Therefore, the case will be included in Kaklava's draft political amnesty bill. After listening to Mr. Pita's media interview on the matter, it is therefore not surprising that like Progressive Party MP Mr. Pita, he disagrees and wants to oppose the defamation and breach of monarchy case as it is a criminal case. It's not politics.

“I emphasize that the company is not involved in politics. Therefore, I appeal to Mr. Pita who has recently returned to serve as an MP in the House of Representatives to reconsider this matter. Whether there is any misunderstanding or not, Section 112 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is intended to protect the King. Who is the head of the country and the national security of the company cannot be breached by anyone. Mr. Pita's thinking and vision is considered very dangerous for the country,” said Mr. Thanakorn.

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