Presented by Gossip Station..J Jim 23-07-24 (5 issues to follow this week!)

Gossip Station by..Je Jim 23-07-24 (5 magazines to follow this week!)

23-07-24 Hello brothers and sisters, “Jay Jim” is coming to report at the same time. open it and read it and let's talk about it to make our investment circle louder.

***Complete operational results for major banks announced (Unit: Thousand Baht)

Bank Q2/66 Q2/67 6 months/66 6 months/67

PBL 11,806,827 11,293,517 22,330,478 21,422,806

6.19 5.92 11.70 11.22

KBANK 12,652,915 10,994,272 26,138,638. 21,735,333

5.34 4.64 10.87 9.02

KTB 11,195,146 10,156,196 22,273,593 20,222,792

0.80 0.73 1.59 1.45

scb 10,014,333 11,868,127 21,295,356 22,863,503

2.97 3.52 6.32 6.79

TTB 5,355,474 4,566,286. 10,689,263 8,860,801

0.06 0.05 0.11 0.09

***Major banks report in full. Investors follow information about asset quality. And creditor quality is weakening, so this is likely to be a factor that will continue to put pressure on banking stocks this week.

***There are 5 important issues to follow this week:

1. On July 23, the Cabinet considered the guidelines and ThaiESG Fund, new criteria to assist electricity bills for the September-December period.

2. On July 24, the Constitutional Court scheduled a hearing on the Prime Minister's qualifications. It is expected that there will be an opportunity to set a decision date (August 7) ​​similar to the dissolution case of Kaevklai party.

3. Date 23-26 August. Follow the report on imports and exports this June. Market 2.0%yy vs 7.2%yy Import market expects 3.0%yy vs previous.1.7%yy.

4. SCGP, SCC, GLOBAL, DELTA real sector profit report scheduled next week.

5. Real sector group boosts if profit outlook for 2Q24F is gradual. Stock gurus said pending profit groups include yy, qq Communications (ADVANC, TRUE), Retail (CPALL, CPAXT), Beverages (ICHI, OSP, SAPPE), Components (KCE), Agriculture (GFPT, CPF), Tourism (MINT) Mention. , Theaters (CKP, GULF, GPSC) Beauty (MASTER, KLINIQ)

***There is another thing that Je Jim wants us to look beyond the short term. The assessment of US elections is that if “Trump” wins the election, the American first principle will return. This could pose risks to the global economy and trade by the US erecting tariff walls to block imports from foreign countries, particularly China, that could affect Thailand. Don't invest in Thailand because China has a lot of investment in Thailand.

***Let's expand the ThaiESG fund a bit!!! Now it has become a trend again and has gained attention again after the “treasury” prepared a proposal to enter the cabinet. This Week (23 July 2024) Hence, net buying of money from the institutional side will return to SET and the index will rise in the short term.

***Equity gurus expect money from the company to be more likely to lean towards the Thai equity market than debt instruments, as considering the AUM of THAIESG funds of 6.8 billion baht (32 funds) as of May 2024, there is only one ESG debt instrument fund. including default concerns on other securities. Currently, this may cause the company to focus on offering new TESG funds as equity funds rather than bond funds, which supports the possibility of capital flowing fully into the stock market.

***As for the money expected from the new THAIESG, 4 – 50 billion baht to support the stock market, compared to the money used to reduce taxes with the original LTF fund, every 10 billion baht of money to support the SET typically raises the SET by 1% – 2%.

*** There is a stock guru who has screened top 9 stocks held by TESG funds ie CPALL -AOT- PTT- DELTA -GULF -PTTEP -CPAXT- CPN -BDMS. It has ESG ratings of “AAA” (with a score of more than 90 out of 100 points) for stocks in SETESG and a CG report of “Outstanding” or 5 points, which should be prime target stocks. . Money from institutional investors will also come from the new THAIESG FUND, resulting in 29 companies holding shares in the group. My favorite stocks are ADVANC -CPALL -KBANK -SCC- CRC -PTTGC -TISCO -BGRIM -CKP -STA -AMATA -THCOM etc.

***If you like_or don't like any it. Our money is in our pocket. Whether we sow it or keep it is up to us.

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