Revealing the price of the film’s hero, “Nadesh Kogimiya,” 400 million dramatic events every time, more than wonderful | The Bangkok Insight

Revealing the price of the film’s hero, Nadesh Kogimiya, at $400 million, is a dramatic event that is very popular every time. Events cost 350,000 baht each, dramas start at 200,000 baht and advertising costs 15 million baht apiece.

Handsome, talented, truly full of talent for a star hero from Channel 3. Call you Kugimiya Which has swept the ratings overwhelmingly whether it be dramas or movies now a movie, Tee Yot, has just been released, which is released in theaters for fans all over the country to watch with Uncle Yak in the role, generating a whopping income of 400 million baht.

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Revealing the price of the film’s hero, Nadesh Kogimiya, at $400 million, is a dramatic event that is very popular every time.

The latest (November 6) is a horror filmTheod in Call you Being the main actor is still a strong trend. After being released for 10 days, revenues now reach 400 million baht. In addition to the trend of theode in our country, in foreign countries it has been well received. It is set for release in 8 countries in Asia be it Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan and Cambodia, which is preparing to hit theaters on November 16, both in IMAX and in regular cinemas.

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And many people probably still know that price Call you What is its price? At the price of Nadak, the leading actor in the entertainment industry. There is a salary of 350,000 baht per event, acting starts at 200,000 baht, and advertising costs 15 million baht per piece.

Thank you : ch3plus , Thirath

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