Riots in France: Government wants to rebuild “without delay” all that was destroyed

Riots in France

The government wants to rebuild all that was destroyed “without delay”.

He announced on Wednesday that he has drawn up a circular to this effect, which will be supplemented by a legislative speech, which he hopes will be passed in parliament “before the summer recess”.


Government spokesman Olivier Véran spoke to reporters after the cabinet meeting.


The government announced on Wednesday that it had issued a circular allowing cities to rebuild destroyed public buildings “without delay”. During the riotsThis will be supplemented by a legislative speech, which the executive hopes will be adopted by parliament “before the summer recess”.

A text that answers 90% of situations

President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday that he wanted to adopt an “emergency law” to speed up the reconstruction before the mayors of the municipalities concerned gathered at the Elysee Palace. “A circular from the Prime Minister” was taken “today (Tuesday to Wednesday)” to “facilitate” rebuilding “all that was destroyed” “without delay,” government spokesman Oliver Veran told reporters. Cabinet.

“Probably makes it possible to respond to 90% or 95% of situations,” he promised, without further details. He noted, however, that certain circumstances require a change in the law. “If you never build them in the same way, if you are in the zone of architects of French buildings, for example, there are the necessary legal deadlines with analyses”, he said. “We want to minimize all these delays”.

A law before summer vacation?

“The President of the Republic has asked us to act very quickly, so we can expect” that a bill will be presented “in the next group of ministers” or maybe later, and the parliament will study and adopt, we hope this speech before the summer vacation,” said Mr. Veran added.

The Senate took the lead. Economic Affairs Committee President Sophie Primas (LR) announced on Wednesday that she has tabled a bill to help municipalities where public facilities have been burned or looted: town halls, municipal police stations, schools or nurseries. Inspired by the exceptional rules adopted after the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris in 2019, the text offers modest measures to allow reconstruction “as soon as possible”.

“Legislation Urgent”

“By receiving the mayors at the Elysee Palace (Tuesday), the President gave his support to the proposal. Legislation is urgent,” the senator from Yvelines said in a press release. According to Olivier Véran, Macron asked his ministers to carry out “deep work” in the “coming weeks” to “understand what we need to change” following the riots. And lead to “solid, effective results commensurate with the height of the stakes.”

“These decisions must avoid two pitfalls”: “riots would invite more public spending in the neighbourhoods” and “old recipes”, “emergency repressive measures taken by the state” position”, reiterated the speaker. He already felt the “need for power”, “the need for efficiency in public activities” and “the need for human solidarity”.

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