Russia sends Progress 89 supply spacecraft to International Space Station.

Russia has successfully launched the Progress MS-28 or Progress 89 supply spacecraft to the International Space Station.

On August 15 at 10:20 a.m. Thailand time, Roscosmos, Russia's state space agency, launched a Soyuz-2.1a rocket from the launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome along with the Progress supply vehicle, which had no humans on board.

The Progress 89 spacecraft is scheduled to dock with the Zvezda module of the International Space Station on August 17 at 12:56 p.m. To deliver food, water, clothing, experiments and various types of fuel necessary for the operation of the space station, the total weight of the luggage is 2,621 kg.

The mission was the 181st flight of a Progress spacecraft, similar to the Soyuz spacecraft, which can carry astronauts into orbit and safely back to Earth. Progress has been delivering cargo to the Russian space station since Salyut 6.

At the end of the Progress 89 mission in early 2025, astronauts will deposit excess station debris into the spacecraft before beginning the process of undocking from the ISS to minimize the risk of a safe fall and burn up in Earth's atmosphere.

Image: NASA

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