Perseverance’s new friend on Mars is a pet rock

A rock found its way into the rover’s left front wheel in early February while it…

NASA joins the search for UFOs

Placeholder while loading article actions A senior space agency official said Thursday that NASA is joining…

Missile Report: Four Falcon Heavy launched this year; Meet the baguette

Zoom / A French company named its missiles the Baguette-one and Orbital-Baguette-1. HyPrSpace Welcome to Rocket…

The Mars rover accidentally adopted a pet rock

life for perseveranceThe brave rover currently roaming the Red Planet some 132 million miles from Earth…

Setting new limits on the interior of neutron stars

Zoom / The new research didn’t make much headway, but it did shrink the size of…

NASA completes main hull of Europa Clipper spacecraft – will search for life on icy Jupiter Europa

Artist rendering of NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Russia threatens to hijack the German space telescope

A view of the eROSITA X-ray telescope before final packaging in its carbon fiber chassis. picture:…

NASA and SpaceX halt launch of Dragon to study hydrazine issue

Zoom / In January, plumes of the SpaceX Cargo Dragon’s Draco engines are seen as it…

Astrophysicists have created a ‘time machine’ simulation to observe the life cycle of the ancestors of galactic cities

Scientists are designing a ‘time machine’ simulation that studies the life cycle of the ancestors of…

New simulation shows how the early universe evolved within seconds of the Big Bang

New simulation maps the first few seconds after the great explosionfocusing on what scientists call the…