5 planets will line up in the sky early this month

Beginning in the early morning hours of Friday, June 3, the five planets of Mercury, Venus,…

The mysterious Hypatia stone may hold the earliest evidence of a Type Ia . supernova

Zoom / Small samples of Hypatia stone next to a small coin. Rare Type Ia supernovae…

First images from NASA’s Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Northrop Grumman These first…

Time crystals are ‘impossible’, but they are subject to quantum physics

In a new experiment, scientists create two time crystals inside a superfluid, and bring them into…

NASA hires two private companies to develop the lunar space suit

NASA announced today that two private companies – Axiom Space and Collins Aerospace – will develop…

Discover the world’s largest factory in Australia

The sprawling seaweed, a flowering marine plant known as Posidonia australis, stretches for more than 112…

A new discovery reveals the reason for the different colors of Uranus and Neptune

NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft captured these views of Uranus (left) and Neptune (right) during planetary flybys…

The discovery of the mysterious “pulse” in the sky makes scientists amazed

Unusual radio signals have been detected pulsing in the sky about 1,300 light-years away from Earth.…

Telescopes reveal why Neptune is more blue than Uranus

New space and ground-based telescope observations have revealed what’s behind this difference in tone. The planets…

The discovery of a strange neutron star emitting radio in a stellar graveyard

Artistic impression of the 76-second pulsar (purple) compared to other more rapidly spinning sources. Credit: Daniel…