Cloud forecasts show where the sky would be ideal for a possible meteor shower or meteor storm

The tau Herculids meteor shower is set to stain our skies with shooting stars. Fortunately, sky…

Astrophotographer captures swirling plasma on the surface of the sun in stunning high-resolution image

A photographer captured a 286-megapixel image of the sun during the most intense period of solar…

Stunning new meteor showers from Tau Hercules may light up the skies over North America

This infrared image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope shows a fractured comet 73P/Schwassman-Wachmann 3 spewing along…

Never-before-seen meteor showers may light up Utah’s skies on Monday

An infrared image of Comet SW3 taken by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope in 2006. The comet…

The Hubble Telescope Observes the “Hidden Galaxy” Behind the Milky Way

This new view of spiral galaxy IC 342, also known as Caldwell 5, as seen by…

An entirely new type of magnetic wave sweeping through the Earth’s outer core has been discovered

Using information from the European Space Agency’s Swarm satellite mission, scientists have discovered an entirely new…

The last selfie of the Mars landing rover on the Red Planet shows why its mission ended

This is the last time we see a selfie from NASA’s InSight lander on Mars. And…

Exciting new video shows a record-breaking helicopter flying over Mars

Grab your hats as the Mars Helicopter takes us on another journey over the Red Planet.…

A possible new meteor shower from a smashing comet has scientists excited

This Memorial Day weekend, Earthlings – especially those in North America – may be treated to…

The Mega Artemis moon rocket will be launched on the launch pad on June 6

The NASA The team prepares to roll the 322-foot (98 m) stack of Artemis I rockets,…