Secret documents leaked reveal how websites rank that Google never told you

Techniques for optimizing websites to rank in Google search rankings or SEO (search engine optimization). We often use keywords or keywords that people search frequently to beat Google's algorithm and rise to the top. From the search results page, but no one other than Google knows how these algorithms work. Until a secret document surfaced recently. Secrets that were hidden were revealed

This document was released in error on GitHub. It contains details on how to use the company's Content Warehouse API, although Google is trying to patch things up and keep it secret. But it wasn't successful. There is information leaked. SEO experts are investigating the leaked document.

The Content Warehouse API is a tool used internally by Google employees that defines different attributes to rank websites. For example, Google Search ranks web content using over 14,000 attributes, but none of them have made it clear how important each feature is in search indexing.

Usually, we already know that different properties are usually used to evaluate and rank websites in Google search results

Keywords: Words or phrases related to the site content.
Quality content: Useful, trustworthy content that provides accurate information.
Page Loading Speed: A website that loads quickly provides a better user experience.
Mobile usability: Websites optimized for mobile use.
5. Backlinks: The number and quality of links from other sites. This link to our website

All of this is the standard we use in SEO, except for this confidential document There are other features that contradict Google's claims about search, such as clickbait sites not being included in the ranking index (but they do play a role in rankings). (more or less) or that Google believes subdomains should be considered separately in a website's ranking (but they actually play a role in the main domain's ranking)

Google also uses some questionable metrics to rank websites, for example, one content repository module uses Chrome Views as a measure of website quality, so websites with more visitors using Chrome will rank higher. If other factors are all equal, well, that's really weird.

So far, Google has not made an official statement regarding these confidential documents, however, it is believed that Google engineers are working hard to try to mitigate the impact. From this event


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