Sega releases new screenshots of Sonic Origins, coming to Switch in June

Sonic Origins
Photo: SEGA

Sonic Origins On Nintendo Switch next month, and if you’re curious to see more footage of the new 4-in-1 Blue blur set, you’ve come to the right place.

Sega shared some brand new footage of the game while Rulicon in South Korea was broadcast online last weekend. Shows the game menu, Anniversary mode and gives fans a look at the original sonic the hedgehog The game, you can also see more features of Knuckles, Tails and Super Sonic.

Fan and news site tails channel He also shared some additional details (via social media) – noting how there is a dedicated button for Super Shapes, the “new Blue Sphere mode”, and how the Drop Dash action is exclusive to the game’s Anniversary mode.

If you want to see more from this upcoming release, be sure to check out our gallery:

And in case you’re wondering, there are currently no “plans” to release a physical version, but Sega has been notified of the request. So far, you only need to use the extension Digital copy via Switch eShop (or other digital platforms) If you want to play this collection when it arrives on June 23.

Sonic Origins will include files sonic the hedgehogAnd Sonic the Hedgehog 2And Sonic 3 and jointsAnd audio CD. There will be all kinds of extra content for the returning fans and even some extra goodies too. What do you think of the latest shots? Will you try this on release? Leave a comment below.

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