Severe outbreak!! A Myanmar man was arrested with 985 methamphetamine pills, admitted to possessing them for personal use and selling them for 20 baht each.

“The Sutun District Immigration Office supports the mission of Border Guard Police Station No. 436 and the Administrative Department. The police arrested a Myanmar national in possession of 985 methamphetamine pills, which he used himself and sold to neighborhood residents for 20 baht per pill.

Under the supervision of Police Lieutenant General Ethiphon Itisanrunachai, Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau, General Phanomas Punyalak, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau, General Panthana Nochanart, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Immigration Bureau…, Colonel Major General Songprud Sirisuka, Commander of the 6th Immigration Division, Colonel Charunphong Khantelo, Superintendent At the Immigration Office, Sutun District, Lieutenant Colonel Chulacham Entarasamy, Deputy Controller of Immigration, Sutun District and Lieutenant Colonel Khamnoeng Onblood, Commander of 436 Border Guard Police Company.

The Sutton County Immigration Bureau and the Sutton County Administrative Department received coordination from the officers of the Narcotics Control Unit, Border Patrol Police Unit 436, who conducted the investigation, received a tip from an undercover agent that Mr. Vu, a Burmese national, was in the habit of selling methamphetamine. Khanam did not have a community number, Village No. 2, Pak Nam Subdistrict, Lango District, Satun District, so they held a meeting to plan together to make an arrest. Until March 27, 2024, at approximately 2:30 pm, the arrest was made The officers traveled together, I went to check the Khanam area, there is no community number, I found Village No. 2, Paknam Sub-District, Lango District, Satun District, a young man sitting inside the Khanam. Upon seeing the officer, he looked suspicious, his face was pale and he was visibly trembling. We talked and inquired until we learned that my name is Vu, I am Burmese, 30 years old, and I am good at communicating in Thai. The official then asked to check the foreigner's documents, to which Mr. Poe admitted there were none. After that, the officers searched the inside of the mentioned car. They searched Mr. Poe's personal belongings until a total of 985 methamphetamine tablets were found packed in a blue plastic bag that had been squeezed open and closed. Hidden in a brown shoulder bag found in said bag.

From Mr. Poe's inquiry he admitted that he had taken all the methamphetamine and that he had just taken the methamphetamine before it was discovered. The methamphetamine was sold to people in the vicinity at a price of 20 baht per tablet. Officers then took Mr. Poe for a drug test at Sutton Hospital, and found the substance contained methamphetamine. And Mr. Poe's urine is real. Therefore, he was arrested and tried for the crime. “There are types of drugs. 1 – (Methamphetamine) with possession for sale, which is a commercial activity, and causing its spread among people in violation of the law, such as foreigners entering the Kingdom and staying there without permission and taking narcotic drugs 1 (Methamphetamine) illegally,” and after that the investigation was expanded to take Further legal action. By foreigners after receiving the penalty stipulated by law must be returned to the country while continuing to be prohibited from returning to Thailand as stipulated by law.

#ThaiTabloid #ThaiTabloid News Agency #Tam Satun

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