Sign up for digital money for 10,000 baht, verify your 'government' ID with 7-11, and get paid conveniently.

Register for 10,000 baht digital money, verify your identity, “Super App”, a new government app, “State” by 7-11, 7-Eleven, convenient for 50 million people eligible for free cash ? How to register a digital wallet? You can buy them, but you can't buy them here.

Latest Update: 50 Million People Who Are Eligible for Free Cash? “Register digital money 10000 bahtTo verify your identitySuper app“New Government Application”Government“Bass 7-11 Seven eleven “Counter service” is convenient to receive payment, how to register digital wallet, check products Digital wallet You can buy it, you can't buy it here.

Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently.

Money movementDigital wallet (Digital Wallet)”Offering 10,000 Baht digital moneyDigital money 10000 baht registration Confirm Identity “Super App” Super App is Thailand's central payment platform (payment platform) according to the new government application project budget framework. A total of 95 million baht to develop “government” applications.

By allowing government agencies and financial institutions to collaborate with the Office of the Basic Education Commission, it supports information. The next step is to jointly decide on operational guidelines for the relevant agencies.

Super App “Government” Timeline What day is the payment platform development period ready to open?

The initial processing period is 160 days (including procurement period), split

  • July – September 2024: Procurement and Workshops
  • July – December 2024: Undertake system development and testing.
  • October 2024 – March 2025 : Provision of system services and support to the application.

Setha is in line with the government's policy plan to distribute 10,000 baht of digital money from the duration of the scheme within 160 days of its opening from October 2024 to March 2025. It has been repeatedly emphasized that digital wallet (digital wallet) will definitely be used by people in the 4th quarter of 2024. What would it look like? Thai people should follow this policy plan.

Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently.

10,000 Baht channel for receiving and paying digital wallets, “Government” application, government application

The “Super App” of “Government” apps is overseen by the Digital Government Development Agency. (Public Organisation) S.P.O DGA It is a platform created to support people's lifestyle.

A hub for aggregating government agency services so that citizens can conveniently access government agency services and get efficient data connectivity.

Register for 10,000 baht digital money, verify your identity using government app from 7-11, how to do it?

How to register digital money 10000 baht A “digital wallet” confirms identity using a government application.

  • Open the government app and then select your method of verifying your identity by clicking on “Verify your identity at 7-Eleven”.
  • Enter ID card number and mobile number, then press “Generate QR Code”.
  • Inform the employee that you are coming to verify your identity on a government app, show the QR code to scan, then insert your ID card into the card reader. Get the receipt and press the link received through SMS to proceed with the government app.
  • After pressing the link received via SMS, you enter the face scanning process in the government app. Read the suggestions and press “Start scanning your face.”
  • Frame the faces and scan them.
  • Once the user has successfully scanned their face to verify their identity, press “Register”.
  • Learn about terms and privacy. Then check the square box and then press “Accept”.
  • Fill in your name, user account and password as instructed, then press “Confirm”.
  • Enter a 6-digit pin code for in-app security.
  • Enter the same pin code again to confirm your identity.
  • Activate your unique ID by pressing the “Apply” button.
  • Once you have completed the steps, press “Start Using”.
  • Users can choose to use various services. Immediately on government applications

Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently. Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently. Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently. Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently. Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently.

Download “Government” application here to get 10,000 baht digital money in 4th quarter of 2024.

Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently.

Digital money 10000 baht, who will get the money? Meet the criteria to get it.

Target group of digital money

Criteria including approximately 50 million people over the age of 16 as of the month of registration. Not a person with assessable income of more than 840,000 baht per tax year.

and deposits in commercial banks and specialized financial institutions not exceeding 500,000 baht, counting only baht-denominated deposits with all accounts combined both in the area of ​​commercial banks and state specialized banks etc.

  • Fixed Deposit Account
  • Savings account
  • Certificate of Deposit
  • Deposit Receipt
  • Current Deposits
  • Savings Lottery, Government Savings Bank Lottery, Shares, Bonds, Closing Date 31st March 2024 is not calculated.

Terms and conditions of use of digital money

  • Spend spatially at the district level (878 districts) by referring to spending only on small shops as determined by the Ministry of Commerce between people and shops.
  • It does not address the spatial cost conditions between stores and the size of stores at the district level between stores.
  • Round 1 will only spend money between citizens and small shops. (As decided by the Ministry of Commerce) From the 2nd round, the expenditure will be on a shop-by-shop basis with no limit on shop size.

Types of digital currency products that can be purchased

  • All types of products can be spent through the scheme.
  • 10,000 baht digital money can buy a phone, electronic device or other imported goods because it is not in the group of prohibited goods because many imported goods are necessary goods. Including mobile phones and smartphones.

Register digital money for 10000 baht, verify your identity at \'government\' 7-11 and get paid conveniently.

List of 16 products: 10,000 baht digital money can't buy!

  • Government Lottery
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Tobacco
  • Marijuana
  • cottage
  • kratom plant
  • Cannabis and kratom products
  • Gift certificate
  • Cash card
  • Gold
  • Diamond Gem Gem
  • Fuel
  • Natural gas
  • Hairdresser
  • Massage shop
  • beauty parlor

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