“Sonnan” Thailand’s health system aims to be among the top 5 in the world, announcing in February that it will set up its own personnel management committee and expects to add Quicl Win to the cabinet next week.

“Zone Nan” provides personnel policies across the country. Now, emphasizing that this is a new era of public health, MOPH Plus has put people at the center. Personnel management committee should be progressive in appointment, selection of personnel, allotment of posts in all industries, front, middle and back-end. I want to use the same words: health for wealth, health creates economy, ready to push 5 quick win 100 days matter is expected to be submitted to the next cabinet. week. Thailand aims to push its healthcare system into the top 5 in the world.

On September 22, the Minister of Public Health (MOPH) Dr. Sonnan Shrikev, Deputy Minister of MOPH Mr. With Shanti Prompt, he held a meeting to present the Public Health Policy 2024 of the Ministry of Public Health. A total of 500 senior executives from the Ministry of Public Health, central and regional, are telecommuting. And medical and public health workers across the country were informed via Facebook Live under the theme “Elder brothers tell stories to younger siblings, join forces and move forward”.

Dr. Sonnan said: Our aim is for Thai people to be in good health in all 4 dimensions of body, mind, intelligence and society. Currently, Thailand’s public health system is ranked 6th in the world and aims to be among the top 5 in the world. We must maintain the dignity of health from birth to death For example, newborns should be screened for 40 disease groups, even if they are rare diseases. Promoting childbearing is a national agenda. The Ministry of Public Health needs to build confidence. Both reproductive health work prepares people who are ready to have children or childless people who are ready to have one to step in and help. Two legislative limits are growing to the point of announcing school health work and we announced that there is a sanitation center for the elderly. It could be in a hospital, temple or community, caring for sick patients. And comprehensive care for the elderly will be announced as a Quick Win prototype that has already achieved results in 100 days. Many areas have limitations. Fragile areas, specific areas, border areas, island areas are also highlighted for consideration. Don’t leave him.

Dr. Sonnen said: Currently, most problems are caused by non-communicable diseases, more than 80 percent. We have a key policy on cancer. The HPV vaccine, 100 days, 1 million doses, 1 million people, has approved a plan to set up a committee to support it. In fact, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Public Health said that men can get the vaccine. . Because he had contact with his wife and lover but first we are injecting enough women.Also in North and North East region 40-50 year old people are found to be dying of liver and bile duct cancer. We have a policy of screening at least 100,000 people using modern technology. We already have a universal health insurance policy of 30 baht to cover all ailments, so we have scaled up to a 30 baht plus policy and increased the scale in every dimension. . Promote prevention, medical treatment and rehabilitation by using digital health as a key backbone to make this project successful, i.e., one ID card, one ID card smart hospital, access your health anywhere, everywhere, convenient, uncrowded, make doctor’s appointments, get medicines, Use digital to support.

“Administrators and staff at all levels – front-line, middle-line, back-office, back-office brothers and sisters – are important forces. This evening, I will play football with the Ministry of Public Health executives. I will not. I dare not go down and play defender. Because the door will be punched. Fear of custodianship is paramount. Ensure that frontline support duties are operational. You are a vital part of our success. The quality of life of our employees at all levels will be enhanced. Work Happier has been declared as a morale-boosting policy for all teams. All professional areas receive care and support. Morale and compensation welfare welfare career advancement and workload,” said Dr. Sonnen.

Dr. Sonnan said: We now have Praboromarajsanok Institute. To create all family doctors within 10 years will be according to the policy of Deputy Minister of Public Health. We will create family doctors in the society. Supports primary care principles. However, the Ministry of Public Health has 500,000 employees. There are many things that robots cannot do. Because we have the unique knowledge and skills to reduce the tools burden. Such as the telemedicine we use or the virtual hospital that should be available in the community. But we have to do our duty as a medical service. But we are under the office of Civil Service Commission where the manpower downsizing policy in 2002 has affected us greatly. But we still have maintenance money. If there is no position, hire temp, daily, monthly.

“When we solve our problems we will join hands, use the necessary reasons to fight the Civil Service Commission, fight the Civil Service Commission and create our own Public Health Commission. We have our personnel management team. Our laws support it. To organize the organization and to organize the process of selecting people, allotment of posts, promotion, every profession needs to progress. I emphasize,” said Dr. Sonnan.

Dr. Sonnan said: In general, it is a matter related to health economics. To see if the money spent is worth it or not. But what he declared is that our ministry is to create wealth, we don’t want to use health economics but we want to continue to use the good word health for wealth. Use health to build economic wealth. We have policies to support medical centers, service centers and wellness centers. We converted 13 communities to be declared “wellnew community” or medical care tourism also generates huge income. We will build the economy through our ministry. If it is on time, it will be given to enter. Next week the Cabinet may be the first ministry to announce it.

Modern Public Health will henceforth drive Thai public health. MOPH Plus makes the health service system people-centric. Expand the Thai economy Achieve health services for the people through Quick Win 100 days focused on seeing results quickly in 5 areas: 1. Government Initiative Programs Screening every prisoner for cancer, building a model smart hospital at Somthej Phra Yupparat Hospital. and Salom Bragiat Hospital each received a Suksala Royal Award Certificate of Quality. Running a program to celebrate His Majesty the King’s 72nd birthday in the second quarter, including 72,000 pairs of glasses for the elderly, 7,200 cataract surgeries, 72,000 dentures, remote area units in 720 districts, health care for 72,000 monks, health care for 72 monks in Salom Pragiat city area 2.Digital Health One ID card can provide treatment anywhere in the 4 health zones piloted. 120-bed hospital in Tan Mueang and Chiang Mai district and 5. Shivabiban Institute to establish 1 hospital in each province, to establish 1 hospital in each province and to establish geriatric clinics in each hospital.

Quick Win 13 issues include: 1. Government initiative for public health 2. Increase access to services in urban areas, Bangkok Hospital 50, District 50, hospitals and surrounding areas. 3.Psychiatry/Medication: There is a Psychiatry Unit and Psychiatry Unit to provide services. There are volunteer centers in every province. Providing consultation services with psychiatrists and psychologists through a telemedicine system. 4. Comprehensive Cancer Screening for cervical cancer and breast cancer for women and bile duct, liver and lung cancer for men. Establish a cancer fund to reduce costs. and formed a proactive CA Warrior team to reduce morbidity and mortality. 5. Build workforce morale 6. Increase coverage of primary health home and community care Build telemedicine system School health work 7. Border health, specific areas and vulnerable groups Increase access to consistent quality services Marginal border areas, ethnic groups, Morgans, stateless in three southern border provinces Specific areas including groups and vulnerable groups.

8. Biomedical center 9. Creation of host hospital, creation of seamless referral system. 10. Digital Health Use one ID card for treatment everywhere, making it a smart hospital. 11. Promotion of childbearing. 12. Health Economy Create a Model Longevity Area (Blue Zone) “A Health Zone An Area for Longevity in Each Province”, improving its potential as a high-value medical center. Comprehensive health care economy and 13. Tourists are safe. Food security, locations , improve the level of service providers and disease surveillance and disease control systems, promptly and easily manage emergency situations in the event of an epidemic. Increase emergency medical services for comprehensive care of critically ill patients. We will be at the back of the house to guarantee safety. For Thai citizens and tourists.

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