SPALI is confident that 2024 will have an all-time strong performance, targeting a sales income of 36 billion baht.

SPALI is confident of All Time High's strong performance in 2024, targeting sales revenue to reach 36,000 million baht, and is ready to launch 42 new projects worth 50,000 million baht, with a backlog of 15,700 million baht.

Mr. Trisha Tangmatitham, Managing Director of Supalai Public Company Limited or SPALI, revealed at the Opportunity Day event that the operational plan for 2024 has the opportunity to create the highest growth record (all-time high) for both project launches and sales. The target (pre-sale) was set at 36,000 million baht, with a total revenue target of 36,000 million baht. Currently, the company has a backlog of 15,700 million baht, with 13,503 million baht to be achieved in 2024. This company can also generate income from the transformation of horizontal projects launched this year. Including the transfer of 5 completed residential projects ready for occupancy, making it possible to close a total of 20 projects throughout the year.

In 2024, the company plans to launch 42 new projects with a total value of up to 50,000 million baht, including the number and value of projects. This is also the highest level on record. Divided into 38 low-rise projects with a total value of 43,500 million baht and 4 residential projects with a total value of 6,500 million baht, during the first quarter of 2024, the company will launch 14 projects, which was about two months ago. 5 projects launched

The investment budget for this year is about 20,500 million baht, divided into 8,000 million baht for land purchases and 12,500 million baht for construction costs.

In addition, the company will have approximately 2,000 million baht of bonds due in early March. There are new bonds about to be issued to replace the old bonds (Roll Over). Through the Book Building Demand Survey, it was found that investor groups have 3 times more demand, which indicates the confidence of the investor group. Currently, the company has an outstanding project loan that has been approved by a commercial bank. But nearly 24,500 million baht has yet to be spent.

For an overview of project visits during the period January-February 2020 is better than the end of 2022 and similar to the same period last year. Which is seen as coming from increased confidence in the economic situation and the government sector is then expected to use the funds to stimulate the economy and various infrastructure. This increases the opportunity for real estate project owners to open up land to develop new projects, and the interest rate has already exceeded its peak. This is expected to help support consumers to facilitate purchasing a home.

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