The publisher is adjusting a new national energy plan aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and is preparing to launch “free electricity” as a pilot in 2024.
January 13, 2024 Mr. Wirapat Kiatvuengpho Director of the Office of Energy Policy and Planning said that the Office of Energy Policy and Planning's 2024 action plan has been prepared to provide guidelines for the liberalization of the electricity industry. There will be an electricity business structure to enhance competition in the 2024-2025 pilot phase to stimulate the development of more renewable energy. Promoting a competitive mechanism that reflects price costs rather than subsidizing prices. Providing opportunities for the emergence of new businesses in the energy field, the government sector can use it as a mechanism to achieve the goal of net zero carbon emissions as well.
As for the progress made in preparing the draft Energy Action Plan 2023-2037 (Draft National Energy Plan or NEP) formulated in 2023, the plan will be reviewed and updated. Formulating the National Energy Plan to reflect the current changing situation. The draft plan will be submitted to the National Council of Education and the Council of Ministers for further study and announcement, and it is expected to be completed and announced during the first quarter of 2024.
In this regard, the National Economic Policy Plan has been formulated to achieve important goals: reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the energy sector by 2050 through the establishment of 5 sub-plans, consisting of the Thailand Electric Power Development Plan (PDP), the Renewable and Alternative Energy Development Plan ( AEDP), Energy Conservation Plan (EEP), Natural Gas Management Plan (Gas Plan) and Fuel Management Plan (Oil Plan)
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