Stay tuned tomorrow for the first round of the debate: Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Including trying to convince their fans that this is their last chance to get the far-right politics that only Trump can deliver.

The hotly circulated videos show Biden walking erratically in his old age, and there are several shots in which Biden is shown wandering off the path. Stand up and talk to someone who isn't even there. The timing is crucial because there are less than four months left before the vote in November.

Biden's main mission during his televised showdown with Trump in Atlanta is to prove that he is still ready to take on this position at the age of 81.

At the same time, they emphasize the obvious differences. Whether it's personal or political issues with Trump. If you can win Biden's main task is to make it clear that he can still, as the country's leader, effectively perform the duties of president in a second term.

The main goal is to be able to present “A vision for the second semester” To build confidence among the American public that it can maintain a sustainable economic recovery.

It is no less important, and Biden must prove that Trump “Very dangerous“For the principles of democracy and the rule of law in the United States.

Last week there was some good news. Give it to Biden because he has a small lead. in's National Election Averages Index for the first time this year

A recent poll conducted by Fox News indicates that Biden is ahead of Trump by seven points, which is the opposite of what was the case in March when Trump was ahead by five points three months ago. Biden recently led by two points.

But the popular vote can change at any time. Because of the American people who have not yet made up their minds. They are eagerly waiting to listen to several rounds of discussion

Trump's Republican Party is scheduled to hold a conference to officially announce the party's representatives in July. The Democratic Party is held in August.

The two national conventions are key moments for launching final policies or campaign techniques that can change the course of events in dramatic ways.

In the battleground states of Michigan and Wisconsin, competition is intense, with opinion polls showing that leaders rotate almost every week.

In Pennsylvania, Trump has a slight advantage.

In the country where “Swinging back and forth.” And in places like Arizona, Georgia and Nevada, Biden is far behind. According to the average poll

Both men realize that their political fate on Election Day will depend on whether they win or lose in these states. Because dozens of other states across the country often have a clear trend in one direction or another. There aren't many surprises.

The question is to what extent the upcoming debates will change things for both men.

In the 2020 campaign, Biden came out relatively strong in the debates with Trump, and then Biden used a barrage of punches to attack Trump. In rather condescending words

In a speech to labor unions in March, observers say Biden still has a sharp mind. But sometimes I start stumbling over my words. It's like someone starting to have problems with their body has symptoms.

Trump uses a reckless, extreme style that is both loved and hated at the same time. But Biden's weak point is not clear. Like an old man who can be seen every now and then.

Biden's team is developing a strategy for Biden to attack Trump's core weaknesses. Such as the issue of denial of reproductive rights. Promotes political violence and undermines American democratic institutions. Including being seen as promoting the rich and not paying enough attention to the poor.

Trump focused his campaign on identifying Biden's weaknesses compared to his age and whether he could respond quickly to debates.

Trump's team stressed that their president is much more flexible than Biden.

Trump will emphasize distance. “Three years and seven months.” From two people

This is Biden at 81 versus Trump, who just turned 78.

The main goal of the two is to win the hearts of those who have not yet decided who to vote for.

Perhaps the main factors are Trump's policies, personality, and behavior. Or the Biden economic administration.

Biden kicks off his latest campaign with a new $50 million TV ad campaign focusing on “swing” states.

Naturally, the Biden campaign team should discuss this issue. Trump has been accused of many things. In particular, the recent case in which a New York jury found Trump guilty of falsifying business documents and concealing the use of funds to cover up a personal relationship with porn actress Stormy Daniels.

It remains for the judge to decide the severity of the punishment.

(Tomorrow: How different are Biden and Trump's policies toward Asia?)

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