Supermarket workers in China get 10 days of “sad leave” a year.

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Have you ever felt sad, bored, don't want to go to work or exhausted and wanted to rest but couldn't take a day off? You'll be thrilled to know. A company in China gives its employees up to 10 days of grief leave a year, and managers can't deny it.

Chinese supermarket chain Fat Dong Lai announced on March 26, 2024, that its employees would be given up to 10 days of “sad leave” annually, and that managers could not refuse requests.

“Everyone has days when they feel sad,” said Yu Dong Lai, president of the company that founded the first supermarket in 1995. “It's human nature.”

So far, his supermarket has 12 branches in Henan Province. Its supermarket chain has a selling point that differs from other operators in the same industry. Because there are additional services for customers such as measuring blood pressure. Fix handbag and feed pets

This has led to the supermarket being compared to Hai Di Lao, a popular chain of hot dishes. Manicure and shoe polishing services are also available to customers.

“When employees get a day off on a sad day they will be happy,” Yu Dong Lai said during the week-long company meeting. “I feel that the company understands and is willing to provide support. It gives them work-life balance, and they have the freedom to choose to stop at any time.”

Staff at the supermarket already have up to 40 days holiday per year. In addition, the store will be closed for 5 days during the Chinese New Year holiday.

They usually work 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. This differs from the 996 culture at some companies, which requires employees to work between 9am-9pm or 9am-9pm, 6 days a week.

In the past, this supermarket chain had already appeared in the news with the idea of ​​creating a work culture different from that of co-workers.

In 2023, the company announced that employees will receive up to 5,000 yuan in consolation payments if they feel work-related discomfort, including insults or threats from customers.

On April 5, the company announced the good news that all employees will be able to travel abroad during the holidays. The company's president said that director-level employees will go to Europe. Lower-level employees will be able to travel to Japan.


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