Synopsis: Maha Utma Buster, Episode 2, Captain Krating and Kala secretly like Bolan.

The Great Conqueror Drama Action Hot Period Take us back, to the year 1965, to the story of a time when people were an authority above the law. The Sorcery Fight starring Great Warintorn, Toey Phongsakorn, Namtan Pijakkhana, Pare Pitchapa, airs every Monday – Tuesday at 8:30pm, Channel 3, starting with the first episode on Monday, January 22, 2024 for Great Buster EP.2 Captain Krathing secretly loves Bolan.

The Great Fool Episode 2

Story summary: The Great Fool, Episode 2

Chandra (Bichaba phantomchinda) Come sell things in the market. I heard the story secretly. Mai (Pongsakorn Mitarikanon) And Captain Krating (Warrenthorn Funkan) Likes Bulan (Bijakhana Wongsaratanasin) Sandra wonders who this woman is? Mai or what everyone at Poonam Bar knows as “Mai” brave He clearly showed signs of worry when he saw Bulan coming to work with an injured hand but Bulan kept his mouth shut and refused to say anything. There was only an unusual gesture that made him dread having to prevent Bolan from escaping his sight.

This makes Captain Krathing who is also secretly in love with Bolan. I began to be unsure of the relationship between Bolan and Cla. Seeing the two of them close to each other all the time and at the same time, Captain Paul began to explore the area. There was a fight with the Red Mask Thief who is also called Sua Kun (Nantasai Visoniabut) Close to subordinate Hiya Han (Tao Somchai Kimbrook) The most influential person in Khao Sameng Sergeant Daeng (Somchit Jonggorho) Trying to convince the bull to stay away from Hia Han's men. There will be no suffering in life. As for Haya Han, he learned that the new captain had a magic spell and ordered him to do so Director: Thawee (Tanayoung Wongtrakul) The police are your eyes and ears. Keep a particularly close eye on bulls.

Waiting to watch the drama Great Buster, Episode 2, Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 8:30 pm. To watch on TV, press 33. To watch on mobile, press 3 Plus.

The Great Fool Episode 2

The Great Fool Episode 2

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