Agence France-Presse reported from Taipei, Republic of China on March 15, stating that the Taiwan Coast Guard sent a patrol boat to the scene. After receiving the report last Thursday at 6:00 AM local Taiwan time. A fishing boat with a crew of six on board sank 1.07 nautical miles southwest of Dongding Island. In the Kinmen Islands
“Two crew members were rescued. While two crew members died at the scene. The Taiwan Coast Guard said two more crew members are missing from the scene of the boat capsize. The statement read

In addition to this joint operation between the Taiwanese authorities and the Chinese authorities, this comes only one month after Taiwanese Coast Guard officials chased a Chinese fishing boat. Even this incident caused the death of two people, it caused damage to relations across the Taiwan Strait. More tense
Mr. Chow Mei Wu, Chief of the Taiwan Coast Guard speaking at a parliamentary session said last Thursday the fishing boat was moved away from restricted waters. Or Taiwan's restricted waters, 0.3 nautical miles, and officials from both sides try to find the missing person within 72 hours.
In addition, Zhou added that the Chinese and Taiwanese authorities have carried out several joint rescue operations. In the past three years, China has requested help from Taiwan 17 times, and the two sides have rescued 119 people.
While Mr. Chen Jianren, Prime Minister of Taiwan appreciate the above rescue operation. Along with saying previous attempts have shown that China and Taiwan can work together to provide humanitarian assistance.
Image source: Agence France-Presse
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