“Technical Lift-All” aims to create a strong brand. Stay number one in the hearts of customers

Mangkorn Kerativong and Prapavan Theravan, two leaders of Technical Lift-All Co., Ltd., revealed that the company has been producing and distributing products for more than two decades. Including importing goods transport equipment. Or objects of all sizes, from small objects to large objects. It meets the needs of customers according to the needs of the industry. The main goal is still to create growth and push the brand to win the hearts of consumers. Think about it first or at the top of your mind when lifting, fastening, and transporting various materials and equipment are needed.

In the era of digital technology reaching people, the company also aims to provide customers with easily searchable services at their fingertips. Which comes with a team of experts. Specialized engineers especially support customers when they face difficult tasks. Or raise work in a special way who need advice

“Technical Lift-All is committed to providing comprehensive products and services to customers. We always realize that the products that leave the company in addition to the ability to actually use must be worthwhile, safe and come with sales services. Give importance to providing accurate information on product usage so that customers can Be confident that when different equipment or products are used, there will be no errors or serious accidents.

\'Technical Lift-All\' aims to create a strong brand.  Stay number one in the hearts of customers

As for the way the business has been led for the past 25 years, the company has the “KSQSW” bible to deliver the highest value to customers. K: Knowledge is the knowledge and experience in recommending the selection of equipment most suitable for the job described. This will result in maximum security and reduced costs. S:Service emphasizes fast service. Effective whether answering engineering questions Product introduction Offering the right products at a fair price and delivering the product quickly

Q: Quality: Select and recommend high quality products. There is only a production process that meets international standards S:Stock. The company has all kinds of products in large quantities. Sufficient to meet customer needs in every use and: Warranty for every product. Delivered with quality assurance directly from the manufacturer. Covers the workpieces for which customers use the products.

“The company has strengths and a business direction that gives importance to its interest that goes beyond just selling products but also aims to deliver the highest value to customers.

\'Technical Lift-All\' aims to create a strong brand.  Stay number one in the hearts of customers

Currently, Technical Lift-All has two main product groups that meet the needs of the target group: 1. Lifting work equipment. and transporting heavy objects such as polyester slings, wire slings, joints and lifting equipment for safety 2. Equipment for attaching objects for loading and transport such as polyester straps. Safety harness equipment, etc.

“The company aims to drive continuous growth of the business. The team continues to expand and develop products to meet the highest needs of customers. At the same time, we are also developing marketing channels to cover the target group. Enhancing by providing services that customers can easily access. Including giving importance For information communication to provide knowledge for users to understand makes customers trust the brand and products for a long time.

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