Thai PBS “Community Bridge” Promotes Good Local Production Thai Towards Soft Power

Active Thai joins hands with PBS network partners to open a space to exchange ideas. Come check out the local produce. Connect with ethnic communities and prepare to make policy and push the good stuff of society into Thailand's soft power

Public Broadcasting System of Thailand (Thai PBS) or Thai PBS Center for Social Agenda and Public Policy Communication or The Active National Institute of Innovation or NIA and network partners as part of the THACCA SPLASH : Soft power Forum 2024 event to connect with sub-delegates to exchange ideas. Organized the forum. The group operates the industry in 11 areas to serve as a bridge to bring good things to society. Or various cultural funds for soft power policy on June 30, 2024.

Within the event, an important activity “lunch and talk” was organized in communities from north to south. including hill groups, sea peoples, island peoples and community representatives from the three southern border provinces. Come create more than 15 sweet and savory dishes to showcase the community's value of food and ingredients. Towards the goal of promoting policy linkage and socio-cultural capital in various dimensions towards soft power

FTI Director Dr. Vilasini Phibitkul said that Thailand will act as a bridge to connect cultures that exist everywhere. It can then be linked to standard policy mechanisms. Considered a key agenda item for Thailand PBS, today's event is an exchange to connect communities, align policies, and build community participation. Raise the bar for good local produce to become more well-known.

“Our role is as a bridge. But we don't just do bridging. We still see the opportunity to expand our results. Whether it's an organization of authority, a community, or a race, we help push these stories. When you get there, trust that the pride of these people will last forever.” The mechanism will be there and may be sent to the policy department,” said Prof. Dr. Vilasini.

Natdanai Trakarnsuphakorn, one of the co-founders of The Rotate, says that what matters at this point is that “co-creation” is not just collaboration between those in the community and those outside the community. But it's experiences, knowledge, including various raw materials, combined to create products. This central area opens up and lets society think for itself. Develop the work yourself and be able to run on your own which increases the level of socio-cultural capital. Important things in this arena are starting to see more of the new generation, so this is an important step in answering the question: What will the new generation do when they return home? Because they are called bicultural people. Know the inside and outside and be the main driver of the community

Having experienced the communities from Chiang San to Petang, Sumbol Sangbrai, the sub-committee on driving the food industry, as sub-committee head of food softshakti and a community restaurant project developer, I have seen that culture, considered the jewel of the community, is more than food. Consider it Thailand's advantage.

What happened in this event is brought from THACCA SPLASH : Soft power Forum 2024 to next step or next step of 11 industries I went to speak on the big stage before driving soft power. Chef Sumpol announced in the middle of the stage, one of the many projects he runs is the 100 Community Chefs project, which brings together local food tasting sessions. Let's talk about driving policy forward.

“Today I tasted food from the local community that was served at the Connecting Soft Power Resource Forum, where community chefs are involved in each village community. We will help improve water bodies to produce good agricultural products. The question is how to sell. And by creating mass media to sell social products with quality we hope to succeed next year,” says Chef Sumpol.

Thai PBS joins forces to move Thai values ​​towards cultural creativity. Ready to create space for exchange and find solutions that lead to community development. You can follow progress on delivering soft power policies for all 11 major industries with Policy Watch, a platform that promotes democratic participation. A medium to drive the country's public policy connected to the people. On the website

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