The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

“Bae Thong Thanh” accepts the royal decree appointing him as the 31st Prime Minister, revealing that this is the highest honor of his life. Bow with gratitude to His Majesty's grace. Focus on performing duties with full strength, be loyal, honest and sincere. Lead the country over all barriers and open up and listen to unite the power of all generations

Schedule in reply to Royal Decree appointing Mme.Pay Thong Than Shinawatra has 31st Prime Minister At 9:29 a.m. in the Voice Space building hall, Mr.Thaksin Shinawatra Former Prime Minister Kuning Bodjaman Na Bom Bed Mr.A real pan of gold Shinawatra Mrs.Golden Harp Kunakornwong and Mr. Pitaka Suksawat, Husband, Mr.Wealth Daweesin, former Prime Minister also attend this function.

In this regard, Police Lieutenant Colonel Abad Suganan, General Secretary of the House of Representatives is the one who called the Royal Command. Read the Royal Decree on arrivalAppoint the Prime Minister

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

Upon completion, Mrs. Bae Thongthan responded to the Royal Decree, and His Majesty the King said on the occasion that he had the Royal Decree. It is an honor and a great honor in life that the government appoints me to hold the post of Prime Minister.

Me, my family and Pew Thai Party I am very grateful for His Majesty's kindness. Both are determined to fulfill their duties with full force and loyalty. For the highest good of the nation and the people with honesty, and carrying out the will of the state in all respects of the state order and constitution.

I would like to thank the members of the House of Representatives. Give me the opportunity to serve as the 31st Prime Minister of Thailand, elected by the people who gave me hope and confidence.

The position of Prime Minister has a great responsibility that overcomes all obstacles to take Thailand forward to solve problems and solve life problems to improve people's quality of life.

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

There are 3 years left for the term of Parliament and I am the head of the administration department. An open space to listen to all ideas with an open heart that requires working with the legislative branch. The country needs to develop jointly to move forward as a solid one.

Dear brothers and sisters of the Thai people, this great work cannot be accomplished by the work of the Prime Minister alone. I want to unite the power of all generations. Integrating the power of talent across all sectors in Thailand is the full cabinet Coalition Government Government employees, private sector and citizens

I will encourage the development of the skills and abilities of all Thai people. Make every inch of Thai land a place where Thais dare to dream. Dare to be creative Dare to decide your own future

I am Padongdan Shinawatra Prime Minister. I will undertake this duty to the best of my ability. Thailand is a country that has the potential to do this. It is a country of faith. It is the land of happiness. All Thai people are equal

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

The 31st Prime Minister, His Majesty the King 'Bae Thong Thanh' unites the power of all generations. Lead the country through all obstacles

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