The Deputy Finance Minister admitted that Thai stocks fell sharply due to political concerns. Note: Still considering LTF – Thai ESG

The Deputy Finance Minister has admitted that the stock market has fallen due to political factors, and that he is currently considering measures to support the Thai capital market, and if a decision is reached on both the LTF and Thai ESG funds, it will be presented to the cabinet meeting. Ready to ensure that the appointment of capital market personnel is transparent.

Mr. Sulaphan Amornwiwat, Deputy Minister of Finance reveals that the Thai stock market index continues to decline, which is a matter of hope and optimism. Many political factors come together in June especially from the political situation. It may cause hesitation among the investor group but this is believed to be only a short-term factor. There is still clarity in various directions when the political situation is resolved and the trade and investment situation is expected to return to normal.

“The most important thing in the stock market is investor confidence. This month, as seen in the media, many political factors are converging. It is an important part of the capital market but the political situation is like that. And I hope that in a few days the political situation will be resolved in a positive direction. The government has that kind of confidence,” said Mr. Sulban.

Regarding the mechanism to instill confidence and build confidence among investors, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Pichai Sunwajira and the Minister of Finance are rushing to find channels to inspire confidence in supporting investment in the Thai capital market and to create mechanisms to do so. Whether considering long-term equity funds (LTFs) or Thailand Sustainable Investment Promotion Funds (Thai ESG), these are considered more comprehensive. Once a decision is reached, it must be submitted to the Cabinet meeting for further consideration.

“What the government is doing now is not just a short-term fundamental adjustment. But this is support for the medium and long term. Whether it is about investment by attracting foreign investment (FDI), infrastructure development and labor skill development, these are believed to help increase the country's competitiveness in the long run. And it will build confidence among investors, be it domestically or abroad,” said Mr. Sulban.

He ensured that the government was transparent in appointing capital market personnel. But this matter is beyond their control. As regards the issue of appointment of the Secretary, the Deputy Minister of Finance took full responsibility as soon as the matter came to light. There will be immediate changes and corrections within 1 day, so there is no point here. As far as various work processes are concerned, there is no intervention or effort.

In the past, Mr. Choolapan has explained about the appointment of Mr. Dhan Wooditham as Assistant Secretary to the Finance Minister. [ปฏิบัติหน้าที่เลขานุการรัฐมนตรีช่วยว่าการกระทรวงการคลัง (นายจุลพันธ์ อมรวิวัฒน์)] He confirmed that he had no prior knowledge of the case. And found out after the appointment from the news Mr. He has served in the Task Force for some time.

However, on hearing the news on June 10, Mr. Sulban, Mr. After talking to him, he learned that the case was on appeal. To prove his innocence Mr. and asked him to resign from his post on June 11 or after questions are raised on the issue to the convenience of all parties.

Make sure it is legal for the nomination process. Verified by name submission process, no criminal history. Because it is a pending civil case. An appeal is currently pending. It mentions 9 qualifications with the Political Civil Servants Act, BE 2535, Section 9, Item (7) except punishment for a crime committed by negligence. or is a minor offence.” Therefore, he wants to confirm that he was not previously aware of the matter and that there is no conflict of interest.

“He has never overseen the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Mr. He never discussed the case. He insisted that if he had intervened, the case would not have arisen in the past and he had not used his relationship. And I would like to accept that this incident was due to my own laziness. And sorry for the inconvenience,” Mr. Sulban said.

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