The fatal bullet changed Trump's fate on his way to the White House.

existing “Remove news pin” Posted via SONDHI APP.NEWS1 TV station YouTube channel News1 Facebook fan page News1 Tuesday, July 16, 2024 presents a special report The fatal bullet changed Trump's fate on his way to the White House.

This remains a shocking event worldwide. From the case of Mr. Thomas Matthew Crook, a 20-year-old gunman from Pennsylvania. He tried to pull the trigger to kill Mr. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, while he was giving a campaign speech on July 13 local time in Thailand, but several bullets fired only missed Trump’s ear. Before the killer was captured by a counter-sniper team. From the Secret Service unit that serves as the exclusive protection for former presidents who want to harm Trump, no one was captured alive and brought in for further investigation.

Even leaders around the world, including the Prime Minister of Thailand are expressing their feelings in the same direction that they are shocked by the incident but more importantly that

Global political analyst and they all had the same opinion on the survival and Trump's reaction. What happened that day makes the popularity of the former US President and this number has increased several times from what it was when he took the debate stage with the current President Joe Biden.

Because of the image of the moment when the security officers gathered to protect Trump from danger. He was raising his fist despite his face being covered in blood along with shouting 3 times repeatedly, “Killer, killer, killer” is an image that will not only win the hearts of his supporters. But it is still stuck in the feelings of people all over the world who saw it.

Trump shows no signs of panic. He is still determined to stand up and fight without fear of the coming threats that are heading his way.

Famous people including celebrities, singers, athletes or billionaires. People have come out to praise Trump's courage, for example, the famous rapper 50 Cent displayed a picture of Trump on stage while performing at a club in Boston to praise Trump, and Jeff Bezos, the billionaire owner of Amazon, posted a post praising Trump saying, “Our former president showed courage and grace. In the midst of danger let's see that last night.”

Meanwhile, mixed martial arts fighter Colby Covington posted after the incident that “Trump is the most powerful man on earth.”
What did Trump do that day The qualities and spirit of the person who will be the leader of the country and especially the country called It is the only giant superpower in the world like the United States. Which is challenged by the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation in the present

Moreover, it is so if we look back at the history of the United States. What is undeniable is that being attacked or ambushed makes Americans tremble. Instead, it has the opposite effect. Because it helps awaken the spirit of patriotism. The unity of the American people as one people.

Whether it was in the event of an attack by the Japanese army Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, caused a strong reaction on the Japanese Empire. Not only President Roosevelt and would not declare war on Japan immediately. But all able-bodied American men volunteered. Came to report as soldiers in the army. To show their intention to join the war against Japan. Without having to campaign to demand anything.

Or it could be the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, or 9/11, when Arab terrorists hijacked four passenger planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center building in Manhattan, New York City. This event also awakened a spirit of patriotism and unity among Americans who flocked to enlist in the military to participate in the war on terror and resulted in President George W. Bush being able to run for a second term without breaking a sweat.

So if you compare historical events and the national character traits of Americans I can believe this failed assassination attempt on Trump. It has become an aid no different from a passport for this former president. An easier return to the White House even though he has a case against him for bribing a porn star to keep their romance secret. Or the tax evasion cases piling up in the courts

However, despite most analysts believing the same. Trump has a chance to defeat Biden. In the upcoming election, but for Dr. Sophawut Saishoya, the new chairman of the National Economic and Social Development Council, who holds a PhD in economics from the United States. Instead, he gave a different view, noting that

Trump is unlikely to return to the White House. Using the assassination incident as a prop and pointing to events in the history of American elections, of the 46 previous presidents, only one president lost the second term and then came back to win the new election in a third term. This was President Global Cleveland, who first took office in 1885-89 and returned again in 1893-97.

So we have to keep watching. In the remaining three months, in which direction will the popularity of the rivalry between Joe Biden and Donald Trump change? And who will be the sole winner? The whole world will know at the same time next November.

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