The forest area in Beijing will increase to 44.9% in 2023.

(Xinhua Archive Photo: A man sits on a bench in a forest park in Dongcheng District. Beijing, China, August 28, 2020)

BEIJING, Jan. 22, 2020 (Xinhua) – He met Inyong, Mayor of the Chinese capital, Beijing, on Sunday (January 21), and said while submitting a report on the government's performance to the People's Congress in Beijing that Beijing has made progress in achieving ecological progress in 2023, as it has increased the coverage rate. Urban forests to 44.9 percent.

Beijing will plant 15,000 mu (6,250 rai) of trees by 2023. Conservation efforts have increased the local forest coverage rate from 38.6 percent in 2012 to 44.9 percent today, and have won awards. “National Forest City”

60 new parks in Beijing opened to the public last year, including 10 suburban parks and 50 various small parks and green spaces. This brings the total number of parks in Beijing to 1,065.

Furthermore, Beijing's average fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration in 2023 is 32 micrograms per cubic meter. This exceeds national standards for the third year in a row and is the second lowest level since tracking began.

Yin added that by 2024, Beijing will strive to build a modern world centered on harmony between humans and nature.

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