The most dramatic situation in Russia: two dams collapsed within a few days of each other, and two people died tragically.

The Russians are drowning. There have been two dam failures. Within just a few days after continuous heavy rains that have left at least 2 dead, and 2 missing.

On July 30, 2024Moscow Times English-language media in Russia reported that a dam in the Republic of Karelia or Karelia, a northwestern region of Russia, collapsed on Monday, July 29, following continued heavy rains. As a result, at least one person died, and two others remain missing.

Mr. Artur Parvenshchikov, Head of the Karelia Region Breaking news on social media in Russia: Dam broke. Northwest Russia causing a huge mass of water to flood and flood the area below. Authorities mobilized and sent more than 100 rescue and fire brigades to help those affected after the dam collapsed. A state of emergency was declared to respond to the dangerous events that occurred

TASS news agency, Russian state media Emergency officials said 13 houses were washed away by floodwaters. Damage was reported and three people were being helped. Nine people were previously reported missing, but rescuers later found seven victims, including children.

Earlier, last Friday, July 26, Russians had to suffer from the collapse of a dam in the Ural Mountains in the Chelyabinsk region. This led to a huge overflow of water into the reservoir and hit the homes of people who were at risk of flash floods. This led to the death of at least one person and the current carried the victim's body to a nearby village.

Russia recently suffered a dam collapse in the Orenburg region of southern Russia in April 2024, causing the worst flooding in the region's history. Tens of thousands of people were forced to evacuate their homes damaged by flash floods.

Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense

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