The problems are many! Five clubs are demanding compensation of more than 300 million pounds from Everton

Everton were recently stripped of 10 points by the Premier League for breaching financial regulations. This is the largest points deduction in the history of the English Premier League.

Although the Blue Toffees insist they are not at fault and will appeal the matter further. But their misfortunes did not end there. With up to 5 other clubs ready to attack them, they are suing for a total of more than £300m.

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Why were 5 English clubs forced to sue Everton for more than 300 million pounds?

daily Mail British media reported that after the Toffees were deducted 10 points from the financial regulations, a number of other clubs were ready to immediately demand more of their rights.

Leeds United, Burnley and Leicester are the three clubs that have confirmed the transfer. They will sue Everton for wrongdoing in this matter. They demanded a total sum of 300 million pounds.

The reason for filing a lawsuit regarding this matter. Because the three clubs consider that the incident occurred since the 2021-22 season, if there is a penalty of deducting points from then. Everton will be a relegated team. Burnley will become the team to escape relegation instead.

In addition to the three clubs mentioned above, Southampton and Nottingham Forest also feel they are losing out in this incident. He is considering making a claim regarding this matter to the Premier League as well. In total, there is time to take action on this matter within 28 days.

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