The asteroid that ended the era of the dinosaurs sixty-six million years ago was also created.”huge tsunami“whose waves have grown more than a mile, according to a new study.
Scientists have recreated the Chicxulub effect, a nine-mile-wide asteroid that not only wiped out the dinosaurs but also most of Earth’s species and plants. The study, published in AGU Advances, determined the effects of global tsunamis and floods.
The researchers hope their work can be used to provide insight into the geology of a river cretaceous period.
“This tsunami was powerful enough to disturb and erode sediment in ocean basins halfway around the world, leaving either a gap in the sedimentary records or a mixture of ancient sediments,” said Molly Ring, lead researcher on the study at the University of Michigan. a permit.
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A new study indicates that the Chicxulub asteroid caused the spread of “megatsunami” around the world.
(Esteban de Armas/Shutterstock)
The researchers simulated the massive tsunami using a 3D computer program called Hydraulic Code, which modeled the first 10 minutes of the event, including crater formation, tsunami initiation, and impact.
The team’s simulations showed that the tsunami spread out of the Gulf of Mexico and into the North Atlantic Ocean one after the impact. Four hours later, the waves moved across the Central American sea lane to the Pacific Ocean. 4 forty-eight hours after Asteroid Chicxulub Crashed into the ground, tsunami waves arrivedso all the coasts of the world.
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The asteroid weighed about 2 quadrillion pounds, was 8.7 miles in diameter, and had a density of about 165 pounds per cubic foot.
“Depending on coastal engineering and advanced waves, most coastal areas will be submerged and eroded to some extent,” the study authors said in a statement. “Any historically documented tsunamis pales in comparison to such a global impact.”
It is believed that the heights of the tsunami waves would have increased when they reached the shallow waters, at speeds of more than 20 centimeters per second.
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