Thailand hosts the meeting of the Global Foundation for Health Promotion. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation is promoting the Tri Power strategy in support of the Bangkok Declaration to drive innovation in health promotion and create good health in every dimension for all humanity in a sustainable way.
Dr. Suprida Adulianon, Director of the Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation), talks about Thailand. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation) said it is hosting the 20th meeting of the International Health Promotion Fund Network 2023 from November 7 to 10, 2023 at the Health Learning Center Building. This conference is one of the most important activities of the International Network of Health Promotion Foundations (INHPF), or the Global Network of Thai Health Promotion Foundations, which brings together member states for the first time, and in 2000 the host country was rotated to organize the annual meeting called the INHPF Annual Meeting with the aim of promoting… the network. By exchanging knowledge and experience and enhancing partnership and cooperation with each other. In addition to announcing the network’s position and commitment to raising health promotion work on the global health agenda. Including sharing good operating practices and lessons learned in leading health promotion work in Thailand with members of the INHPF network and international partner organizations.
There are a total of 7 network member organizations in 6 countries: 1. Victoria Regional Health Promotion Fund. Australia holds the presidency of the network. 2. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation) serves as the trustee of the network. 3. Western Australia Health Promotion Fund Australia 4. Republic of Korea Health Promotion Fund, Korea 5. Taiwan Health Promotion Institute Taiwan 6, Tonga Health Promotion Fund, Tonga, serves as Network Treasurer. 6. Office of the Health Promotion Committee of Singapore Singapore and 7. Health and Wellbeing Trust of Queensland Australia which is a new member
“The Thai Health Promotion Foundation previously hosted a conference in 2013 in Pattaya, Chonburi Province, and continues to organize conferences every year. Except during the coronavirus outbreak period, there will be online networking meetings this year.
Dr. Sobreda said that the important activities at this meeting were the Bangkok Declaration to demonstrate our commitment to raising the importance of health promotion to the global health agenda. Signing a new network cooperation agreement (INHPF) to strengthen the cooperation partnership between network members from many countries around the world. There are 2 main academic forums (Plenary Sessions) and 4 parallel sessions (Parallel Sessions) to present good health promotion practices and innovations from Thailand and internationally that help support good health. A study tour to bring concrete and good operational models of health promotion work in Thailand to the eyes of participants from several countries. Social celebrations and other bonding activities incorporating arts, culture and good Thai identity.
However, the previous operations of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation and the Global Health Promotion Foundation have played a role in pushing for the establishment of a sustainable mechanism for financial and fiscal innovation. To promote health, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation has supported the ProLEAD project in several regions, such as WHO-WPRO, WHO-EMRO, and WHO-SEARO, strengthening the capacity of countries in each region to establish such mechanisms, leading to the creation of new health systems. Promotion funds in many countries, such as Mongolia, South Korea, Vietnam (Tobacco Control Fund), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Tobacco Control Fund), etc.
In addition, each member organization receives study tour groups from various countries around the world. For example, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation receives study tour groups at a rate of 25-30 groups annually, and study visitors come from more than 60 countries around the world. We have jointly transferred the organization’s experience and knowledge to the international stage, and in 2024 the focus will be on building academic strength that will help increase the efficiency of the work of network members. By extracting and extracting important lessons from the network. Organizing academic activities to exchange knowledge and experiences, promoting good relations, partnership and mutual cooperation among network members. As well as strengthening external alliances and expanding the network to include the organization, the International Health Strategy Network is ready to support the establishment of new health promotion funds in countries with the potential and interests (such as the Republic of Georgia and Bangladesh) that work to create awareness and acceptance of the value of the network on the global stage.
Director of the Thai Health Promotion Fund said that the operations of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation use the “triple force” strategy to push three coordinated forces, which are intellectual power, political power, and social power, to push big and difficult matters towards success, as the Thai Health Promotion Foundation obtained support for the operations that… The government and Parliament enact laws as a mechanism to support society to enjoy good health in all its dimensions. Including providing guidelines for the country’s comprehensive health policy including guidelines for assistance policies and cooperation in the field of health promotion with neighboring countries and other friendly countries. As well as enacting health-related laws, such as the Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption Control Law and the tax on sugary drinks. Banning the sale and import of trans fats, etc., constitutes an important mechanism for issuing regulations that will help promote good health.
Director of the Thai Health Promotion Fund said the results in the Thai Health Promotion Foundation expects from this meeting that it is an extension and benefit of health promotion work in Thailand, such as the Thai Health Promotion Foundation and Thai Network Partners. Receive knowledge and potential support from sharing knowledge and sharing experiences with the world. This may lead to new and effective ways to drive health promotion for Thai people, such as greater trend understanding and perspectives on health promotion in the next decade or innovations for managing chronic non-communicable diseases. The commitment and alliance emerged from the joint declaration of the Bangkok Declaration. This will be the position of every member of the Global Thai Health Promotion Network, led by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, in raising the profile of work in health promotion to be more relevant and enter the global health agenda. International recognition of innovation and good operating models (best practices) in driving health promotion work in Thailand.
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