The United States announces a 102.5% tariff on electric car imports from China – Thai Xinhua

The United States announces a 102.5% tariff on electric car imports from China – Thai Xinhua
(Xinhua archive photo: Robots working at the factory of Wuyah, a Chinese electric car brand, in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, April 1, 2024)

WASHINGTON, May 14, 2020 (Xinhua) On Tuesday, the White House revealed new tariffs on electric cars. Solar panels and other clean energy products imported from China are a protectionist move that many believe could undermine US efforts to increase competitiveness and meet carbon targets.

Customs duties on Chinese imports of electric cars are scheduled to increase from 25% to 100%, when combined with an additional tax of 2.5% on all types of cars imported into the American market. This will bring China's total tax collection on electric vehicles to 102.5 percent.

The announcement of the new tax increase may be just a symbolic gesture. Because the administration is now under the leadership of Joe Biden, the President of the United States, they are trying to act like they are tough on China. While the battle for the US presidential elections is getting more and more fierce

The current tax was first imposed by former President Donald Trump in 2018 and has been reconsidered by the Biden administration. It prevents Chinese cars from entering the American car market. Effective way

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