Serbia reintroduces visas for Burundians and Tunisians

Karin Keller-Sutter has criticized Belgrade’s policy (archives). Keystone/Giann Ehrenseller sda-ats This content was published on October…

Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro will accept defeat if ‘nothing unusual happens’

Posted22 October 2022, 05:21 Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro will accept defeat if ‘nothing unusual happens’ Jair Bolsonaro,…

Capitol attack probe: Trump subpoenas Bannon to 4 months in jail

– Bannon sentenced to 4 months in prison, Trump subpoenaed The U.S. Justice Department has barred…

Penalty for notaries who sold houses on contaminated land

PublishedOctober 21, 2022, 1:27 pm France: Penalty for notaries who sold houses on contaminated land In…

Middle East: Torture and risk of death: NGOs warn of fate of prisoners in Iran

Published21 October 2022, 05:21 Middle East: Risks of torture and death: NGOs warn of fate of…

January 2015 attacks: Main defendant sentenced to life imprisonment on appeal

– On appeal the main accused was sentenced to life imprisonment During a trial in Paris,…

After the abduction, the child was safely on the doorstep

PublishedOctober 20, 2022, 12:50 PM Spain: After the abduction, the child was safely on the doorstep…

Greenpeace wants to ban private jets from Dutch airports

In the first nine months of 2022, around 16,147 private flights operated to Schiphol and Rotterdam…

United Kingdom: Fresh setback for Trudeau: Her home minister resigns

– A new setback for Truss: the resignation of his interior minister Less than a week…

Conflict: When Ukraine uses enemy stocks

Published19 October 2022, 12:04 Conflict: When Ukraine uses enemy stocks It is a classic war, possible…