Wimbledon 2022 – what’s different this year? 

  Few sporting events are so steeped in tradition as Wimbledon. But even this great institution…

Occupied West Bank: Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces

UpdatedJune 25, 2022, 2:02 p.m. Three Palestinians were killed and eight others were wounded Friday morning…

Humans are looking for friends who smell like themselves (Study)

We often talk about ‘alchemy’ among people who behave well immediately. One fact may be hidden…

New demonstration after the postponement of the EU candidacy

The day after the EU reviewed Q’s candidacy, Ukrainians on Friday ordered the withdrawal of troops…

Dmitry Medvedev attacks the head of German diplomacy, accusing Russia of using hunger as a “weapon of war.”

https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie/derniere-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie/derniere-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png 30 Status on the map Zoom in Environment Cover Image: German diplomat Annalena Berbach…

Digital pollution: Invisible but not painless

The carbon footprint of the email is more than the consumption of a light bulb burning…

France – The beginning of a nervous war between Emmanuel Macron and the opposition

– The beginning of the war between Emmanuel Macron and the opposition Emmanuel Macron, who does…

Corona virus: Austria discontinues compulsory vaccination

PostedJune 23, 2022, 2:57 pm Health Minister Johannes Rawch has buried the controversial speech, which forced…

Murder at a school in Uvalde: The police chief in charge of operations has been suspended

Since the assassination, police in the Wolde school district have come under fire. The district superintendent…

Israel – Preliminary green light from MPs for the dissolution of the Knesset

– Early green light of MKs to dissolve Knesset On Monday, Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett announced…