Turkey – Kovit: Tested positively 78 times, he has been isolated for 14 months


The weakened immune system of a 50-year-old man with leukemia cannot free him from the virus.

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Turkey – Kovit: Tested positively 78 times, he has been isolated for 14 months

Muzaffar Kayasan has been isolated for 14 months and has been infected with the corona virus.


Last week, 56-year-old Turk discovered his last PCR test on his computer was positive again.

Last week, 56-year-old Turk discovered his last PCR test on his computer was positive again.


He needed medication to fight his leukemia.

He needed medication to fight his leukemia.


Muzaffar Kayasan of Turkey has set a tragic record: he was tested 78 times for the corona virus and all tests came back positive. Conclusion: He has been in solitary confinement for 14 months.

Muzaffar Kayasan, 56, has been diagnosed with leukemia. When he was infected with the corona virus, he was convinced that he would not escape. Reports Reuters. Although his weakened immune system fails to rid him of the virus, it still exists. And his morale is good.

“I think this’s the female version of Covid – she’s crazy with me,” he joked last week, when he found his last PCR test was positive again.

The 50-year-old was hospitalized for 9 months long. But he has been in solitary confinement in Istanbul for 5 months. The hardest thing, according to him, was not his health, but his lack of contact with his relatives. During the Reuters news, he was met by his granddaughter Asra. But she was in the garden and he was in the frame of the door. Contact only: A small check, gloves and a mask for Muzaffar Kayasan.

No access to vaccine

Positive tests make Kayasana ineligible for the vaccine, and according to Turkish guidelines, positive patients must wait until full recovery to receive an injection. But it is not certain whether a vaccine will allow him to develop antibodies. One study found that one in four people with leukemia does not produce antibodies after two doses of the vaccine.

“How positive he was, now he’s positive for Govt, the negative can not come back,” said his son Kogan Kayason, who said his father felt like he was stuck behind. A red light does not turn green.

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