Twisted Case: A young man of half-Thai-Italian descent fights back after being dumped first by Ace Prichaya.

“I don't want to be famous. With over 200,000 followers already, I love her so much. She didn't expect anything like her ex-boyfriend. Even though she talked about him every day during their relationship. I understand Ace's depression. He tried to help her in every way he could and didn't leave her house “Never. I had a motorcycle accident. I have to stay in the hospital with my mother, Ace's older sister and her driver. She stopped me and ended the relationship without having a conversation.”

“When we were together Ice says his ex will come back to him. It hurts me a lot. I left work to travel to Phuket to rest Ice every day. Ice wants me to unfollow all my friends. I do everything to please Ice. My parents know this too. Including Ice's mother and sister The eldest I keep telling her I want the best for her because she's been through so much I hope Ace has a good life.

“We met on Bumble and Ice reached out to me on Instagram. At the time, I didn't even know anyone famous. I don't want to be falsely accused, but it's so hurtful to be accused just for trying to be as loving as possible. Then I heard… News that's making headlines right now. I only want love, money, not happiness This is the only reason I want to date Ace and open up to him. Because I faced the same story in my life before. “I think celebrities who have money have the same values ​​and understand me from the same perspective.”

“Then a few weeks ago Ice said I'm gay. Ace's mother said Ace wasn't normal, which I understood, so I didn't contact Ace again. Then Ace's mother advised me to block Ace to feel more comfortable. Because during that period I was trying to get back to work and focus On my life again and ace knows i'm 100% heterosexual we even expected to have kids together and went to church to convert ace told me steve was just a lover but she considers me her life partner Church. And this is something I can prove, there are a lot of evidence, videos and pictures. I want to talk like a normal person to Ace who never opened the ice or was ever ready. He kept arguing with me instead of finding a way to talk calmly.

“I just moved to Thailand last year. This is my first relationship here. I was alone in a big house with no friends. My parents are in Germany. I'm having a lot of difficulty learning the Thai language. I came to Thailand because I love Thai food, Thai people and Thai culture.” I never expected this to happen after we broke up, I had communication issues, which Ace was well aware of and I'm still trying to do my best 100%, I'm sure.

Twisted Case: A young, half-Thai-Italian fights back after being dumped first by Ice Preechaya.

Thank you IG: Icepreechaya, Alexiovay

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