The ISIS ‘Beatles’ have been accused of killing American hostages
El Shafi’i el-Sheikh, a member of the evil “Beatles” faction of the IS organization, was convicted in a U.S. court on Thursday for his role in the kidnapping and killing of four hostages in Syria.

Diane Foley, mother of slain journalist James Foley, responded to the verdict on April 14, 2022 in Alexandria.
Getty Images via AFP
The man accused of being a member of a bloodthirsty trio, nicknamed the “Beatles” by hostages because of their British accent, was on trial for the capture and death of journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff in Alexandria, near El Shafi’i El-Shaikh Washington. As well as auxiliaries Kyla M முller and Peter Kasik and for supporting the terrorist organization.
The arbitrator in the federal court case took only 12 hours to convict him of the eight charges against him. He did not respond to the announcement of the verdict, while family members of the victims who were on trial shed tears.
El Shafee el-Sheikh, 33, chose to remain silent throughout this first major investigation against a terrorist group in the United States that lasted two weeks. Through the voice of his lawyer, he refused to be one of the “Beatles” and admitted to joining the EI ranks.
“The day we don’t need bombs or bullets to get justice,” said Diane Foley, who fought to free her son, who was hanged in 2014. In fact, justice prevailed. “
“The Worst Chapter”
Carl Mல்லller, the father of the young philanthropist who was abducted in 2013 and was pronounced dead in 2015, welcomed the outcome of the investigation. “We have all seen the best in the American justice system,” he told his wife, Marsha, who testified strongly last week.
His sentence ends on August 12. He faces life imprisonment, which is “worse than the death penalty,” said Carl Mller.
“The crime of terrorism opens a gaping wound in a community, and only justice can put an end to such a horrific episode,” commented Nicolas Henin, a French journalist who was held hostage between 2013 and 2014. “She does not bring back the dead, she does not heal all the wounds, but she does. It specifies who is guilty and who is the victim, and it brings some order,” he said in a message to AFP.
Never identified
On Wednesday, before the arbitral tribunal, prosecutor Raj Barek promised that the government had amassed a “mosaic of evidence” to prove that it was part of a “horrific and inhumane conspiracy” that led to the “death” of the US, British and Japanese. Prisoners.
For the trial, El Shafi’i L-Sheikh ‘Ringo’, some hostages seemed to think he was ‘George’. He was not actually identified as a member of the group by the former hostages who were invited to the bar who had always seen members of this masked trio.
El Shafi’i El-Sheikh was arrested in 2018 in Syria by Kurdish forces along with another member of the “Beatles”, Alexanda Kotte. In custody, he admitted to reporters that he was “merciless” with the hostages placed under his supervision. They were transferred to the United States for trial, but Alexanda Cotte pleaded guilty and will be sentenced on April 29. To investigate them, Washington promised not to resort to the death penalty.
Another member of the group, Mohammad Emwasi, was killed in a drone strike in 2015. Nicknamed “Jihadi John”, he was identified after appearing with a butcher’s knife in IS propaganda videos featuring the beheading of Western hostages.
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