United States: Police are searching for a possible serial killer in California


AmericaPolice are searching for a possible serial killer in California

California authorities are searching for a suspected serial killer who killed at least five people in the northern city of Stockton.

Screen grab from video released by Stockton Police.

Investigators have released a pixelated video of the suspect, whose face can’t be seen dressed in all black, they want to question in connection with five murders in the city over the past three months. According to several local media, it could be linked to a sixth killing in the neighboring city of Oakland, about 80 kilometers from Stockton.

“This fully meets the definition of a serial killer,” Stockton police spokesman Joseph Silva told AFP.

Five homicides in the same area of ​​Stockton over the summer have many similarities, Stockton Police Chief Stanley McBadden told reporters Tuesday. The killings are linked by ballistic elements, he said, without elaborating.

Police say at least three of the victims in Stockton were homeless, as was a woman who escaped injury after being shot in Oakland in 2021.

“We are still trying to find out whether one, two or more people committed the series of murders,” said Joseph Silva.

“A very specific approach”

Police released a video of the suspect, who can be seen staggering slightly from behind in front of the apartments, adding that “someone will recognize this person (…), because he has a very specific gait,” the spokesman added.

The suspect was filmed by a camera near some of the crime scenes. Victims were “left alone in dark places late at night or early in the morning.”

A reward of $125,000 has been announced for any information leading to the arrest of the possible killer(s).

In Stockton, a city of 350,000 people located 65 km south of the California capital Sacramento, police have stepped up patrols and are asking residents to be vigilant.

“If you have to go out at night or early in the morning, try to have a friend or family member with you and avoid dark areas,” advised Joseph Silva.


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