Warning: 60 tornadoes, get ready! Attacking the United States

Warning: 60 tornadoes, get ready!  Attacking the United States

Announcement to warn residents!! 60 tornadoes prepared! Attacking the United States
Previously, 26 deaths were reported, for fear of repeating the warning like last year. The clouds, winds and rain were at the same level as last year and may have been more severe had they not moved in another direction. Directly affected areas are San Francisco/Los Angeles/Glendale Warning announcement to be careful from October 15 to November 6, 2023 which almost repeats the past!! Some residents prepare to move things to your hometown or another city to avoid the next big storm.
There may be a bomb hurricane moving toward the California area. This caused strong winds and heavy rain and is expected to cause flooding in the same areas that were exposed to many severe storms like last year. Storms are caused by rapid, widespread low pressure. It moved to the California region of the United States on Wednesday. Preparing for a new wave attack in many areas, the authorities issued warnings of threats to life and property in the most populous state in the country. Especially the San Francisco and Sacramento areas. The US National Center of Meteorology stated that the hurricane produces winds of up to 110 kilometers per hour. Heavy rain continued across the region until Thursday. In addition to warnings of widespread flooding, including damage to homes, public property, roads, power outages, and the death of those who may suffer.
California Governor Gavin Newsom immediately declared a state of emergency in response to the new disaster. Meanwhile, the City of San Francisco established an Emergency Operations Center to support evacuations and rescue operations.

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