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Even though Halloween has passed, the stylish items still attract attention. In today’s world, many young people want to express their rebellious personality clearly. Therefore, clothes or accessories that reflect boldness and break tradition or normalcy are also very popular. Recently, a prop brand came up with a new line of earrings that will shock even those who are afraid of spiders. But they may appeal to many lovers of eccentricity who are ready to wear these earrings to mix and match to create a bold, eye-catching and unique look.

Women's Earrings, Spider Earrings, Halloween Earrings, Fashion Earrings, Earrings, Spider Earrings, Fashion Earrings

RottingRelictProps became popular overnight when people shared photos of long-legged spider earrings, or “Pholcidae,” on various social media platforms. The earrings faithfully mimic the look of this spider. Whether its physical appearance or behavior due to their long legs, these earrings not only rest on the wearer’s earlobe, but also remain attached to the ears. Create an exciting look for your fans. It can be very scary for those who are afraid of spiders.

Women's Earrings, Spider Earrings, Halloween Earrings, Fashion Earrings, Earrings, Spider Earrings, Fashion Earrings

I must say that this unusual item became a hot item overnight. Prop brand sells spider earrings on the popular e-commerce platform Etsy. However, there is currently not a single product available for purchase on the store page. It is estimated that the spider earrings have already been sold out. There are also reviews that confirm how great these earrings are. Most reviews are positive. Most say that the earrings are quite realistic and have a high level of precision in their production. Although they are plastic earrings, the design makes them realistic like a live spider. And create perfect details, prompting many people to pick up and wear. This product costs about 1,000 baht and is handmade. It is now completely sold out. Anyone interested may have to be patient and wait to see if the brand achieves more. Because it is now expected that demand has already gone through the roof.

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