Naomi Campbell, Gemini.
Photo Illustration: Preity Kinha; Images: Getty Images
Sunday night, Mercury (still back) moves from Twins Back to the Bull. While on Planet Communication, everyone around you may seem especially stubborn, and you may not be able to convince them of anything. Your thinking may also become inflexible, but remember that it is still worth a try, at least, to keep your mind open. Then, on Tuesday evening, Mars goes into motion house sign from AriesIt activates your self-confidence and competitive spirit. For the upcoming month, your belief in your value as a human being will be firm, and you will be ready to fight for yourself. Finally, on Saturday morning, Venus enters the sign of Taurus. The thrill of stalking loses some of its appeal. Instead, Venus in Taurus teaches you to appreciate the love—whether romantic or platonic—that makes you feel safe and supported, as if you were exactly where you belong.
You are at your best when you focus on your work, and don’t get distracted by others. Focusing on what you’re doing doesn’t mean ignoring those around you or ignoring their emotions and needs. It’s about avoiding the trap of comparison and jealousy. Usually this is normal for you, but this week, you may experience some difficulties. Don’t worry about it too much and don’t doubt yourself. You can allow yourself to experience and acknowledge the moment of jealousy, then refocus your attention and continue on your way.
After this spring eclipse, you may be confused. Perhaps some relationships have proven less reliable than you thought, or unexpected obstacles have delayed your progress. But all unpleasant chaos has another side as well: some people may turn out to be unreliable, but others will prove to be more generous and supportive than you ever imagined. If some of your plans are resolved, exciting new plans will reveal themselves. Perhaps unexpected problems have surfaced in your life, but you will also find unexpected friends and sweetness.
Lately, you can’t shake off the anxiety lurking in the back of your head, the voice that says you’re not fit, that you’ve failed to live up to your potential. Wondering if you’ll always find Satisfaction and love, or if you make wrong choices and now it’s too late. In these moments, it can be hard to know if you are judging yourself according to your condition king standards, or someone else’s standards; Usually intertwined. However, this week it is important not to pursue the idea of someone else’s success if it is not yours either. Your personal goals may be beautiful, strange, or even boring to someone else – what matters is that they are yours.
When faced with a decision, it is helpful—and even necessary—to step back and reevaluate your thinking and ask if there was a perspective or an important piece of information that you failed to examine. But this week, you don’t get much rest in this situation of constant self-doubt. You don’t have to get out of every possible scenario before you take your first step. You are human, and your knowledge will always be incomplete, and that’s okay. Your instincts are better than what you give them credit for. Don’t think about it. Just decided.
When you feel lonely or dissatisfied with your life, you may start to wonder if the problem lies with the people in it. Maybe they are acting thoughtless, maybe they can’t express love in a way that you can understand. Perhaps they were simply busy. This week, you may have the freedom to temporarily remove others from your mind. You have no control over what they do, or what they can deliver. If it was entirely up to you to find what you’re looking for, where would you go? What is the project, what dream are you going to resort to? What happiness will you give yourself in the end?
You have worked long and hard to create a stable life for yourself, to build an existence you can truly be proud of. Lately, though, it’s seemed as if the universe is determined to irritate you, and not leave any area of your life untouched by change. When the beauty and order in which you planted it are unsettled, you are left with the work of putting the pieces back together again. Just remember you don’t. You have To rebuild it just as it was. Each disruption is an opportunity to grow, to create space for more joy, love, or spontaneity that was not appropriate for your life before.
You are usually wary of other people’s judgments, wary of appearing petty. you Know that you are interesting, even wise, and that you are as deep and complex as anyone else. You also realize that others don’t always realize the value of kindness and beauty the way you do. You also know the ways in which the misconceptions of others can shape the way you are treated. But this week, it’s important not to let other people’s potentially harsh assessments determine your course. The world is strange and the future is bleak, but you don’t have to give up the pleasure. There is still value to be found in the love we show each other.
Intellectually, you know you deserve a chance to grow. But in practice, you are reluctant to look for those opportunities, to take risks. You see it as safe to make the most of the options available to you, rather than risk failure in your quest to create something completely new. And many possibilities that Act Introducing themselves to you just doesn’t seem to be worth the uncertainty of putting yourself out there. But this week, your belief in yourself becomes bright enough to manifest a whole new future. When you try to expand and grow and change your mind, it makes you braver. It makes your whole life brighter.
There is nothing weak or shameful about needing a support system. It looks very clear, put like that. But lately you’ve been feeling the pressure – maybe just yourself – to be smart and strong, completely self-sufficient. Keep in mind this week that you are allowed to call your friends for help. They probably don’t realize how much you need them all the time: On the outside, you seem strong and independent. The community you yearn for exists. The challenge for you is to make your need known.
You’re rarely idle: You work hard to stick to the long game. But when it comes to big choices or dramatic actions, you love to hit the brakes, waiting for a cue from the universe, for permission from the people you respect, for the outward verification that your big dreams are worthy. This week, though, you don’t have to keep delaying. You have the skills and courage to change your life, and no one else’s approval (or withholding) will change that. If an opportunity arises for a business you want to pursue, feel free.
For a long time, you felt trapped in a very small, very ordinary existence for you. Your thoughts are sparkling and vast, but your daily life is unexciting, and your work and family commitments are limited. You’ve learned how to shrink yourself down to fit better, but this week you deserve a chance to be your full self. You have a chance to stop trying to impose what doesn’t suit you, and instead create a life that is not only potential, but interesting, abundant, and big enough for your complete, unbridled self.
One of your greatest talents is your willingness to accept complexity. You don’t ask for easy answers or boil down an entire chaotic world into one narrow story. However, this week you may need to remind yourself that there is value in simplicity, too. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best, and the most obvious explanation is correct. You do not owe it to anyone (including you) to formulate justifications for why you deserve peace and happiness or why you shouldn’t be treated badly. If you look back, you will see that it is very simple: once you are a person in the world, you are entitled to the pursuit of happiness.
Read weekly horoscopes For the week of May 16. weekly horoscopes For the week of May 30 It will be online next Sunday.
Get Claire Comstock Guy’s Book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the StarsOutside now.
Basically, each planet has a home sign (“home” in astrological terms) where it is “itself” and can express its attributes with minimal complexity or obstruction.
“Internet geek. Friendly coffee trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble musicaholic. Twitter fan. Devoted alcohol aficionado. Avid thinker.”