What kind of reduction? Young woman turns on air conditioner at 27 degrees – turns on fan to test I'm shocked to see the bill at the end of the month!

Not too long ago, the Provincial Electricity Authority came out and suggested some good tricks. In summer, how many degrees should you run the air conditioner? And many times don't give shock to electricity bills at the end of the month. By turning on the fan and turning on the air conditioner at 26-27 degrees. Running a fan helps to dissipate heat in another way. Increases air movement inside the room and cools the room temperature faster which helps reduce electricity costs by 10%.

What kind of reduction?  Young woman turns on air conditioner at 27 degrees - turns on fan and tests - I was shocked to see the bill at the end of the month!

Recently, there was a TikTok user. @siri70993 I tried to follow this theory. Before recording a clip, the results were told to netizens. The clip is 01.38 minutes long and the caption reads: “The theory is to turn on the air conditioner at 27 degrees and then turn on the fan. That would cut your electricity bill in half, right? “Let's see.”

At the same time, the owner of the channel opened the new month's electricity bill and said, “The electricity bill has arrived. 5,000 baht last month at 27 degrees and turn on the fan. He said half of the electricity will be saved at 27 degrees instead of the normal 25 degrees in all 3 rooms in the house.

But when you open the electricity bill, you will be stunned! He laughed out loud and was ready to ask who this formula was. Because this month's electricity bill has increased to 1,000 units last month. Before the clip ends, say this theory: Don't do it!

What kind of reduction?  Young woman turns on air conditioner at 27 degrees - turns on fan and tests - I was shocked to see the bill at the end of the month!

The clip has been viewed more than 4 million times, with various comments saying:

  • Really save money, how to do it?
  • Even if it opens at 27, if it is open day and night, there will be no discount.
  • 4,300 last month, 6,200 this month what kind of reduction?
  • Like this turn on the air conditioner at 27 and last month the electricity bill came down to 3,200. Turn on the air conditioner at 27 every 6 months, which means it's cool.
  • Try this formula: Turn off the air conditioner and run only the fan, which will save on electricity costs.

What kind of reduction?  Young woman turns on air conditioner at 27 degrees - turns on fan and tests - I was shocked to see the bill at the end of the month!

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